xpause ====== suspend Scilab Calling Sequence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: xpause(microsecs) Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ `xpause` suspends the current process for the number of microseconds specified by the argument. The actual suspension time may be longer because of other activities in the system, or because of the time spent in processing the call. Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: t=[0:0.3:2*%pi]'; z=`sin`_(t)*`cos`_(t'); `plot3d1`_(t,t,z) f=`gcf`_();f.pixmap='on'; for h=0:0.1:1 hsv=[h*`ones`_(32,1) `linspace`_(0,1,32)' 0.7*`ones`_(32,1)]; f.color_map=`hsv2rgb`_(hsv); `show_pixmap`_() xpause(100000) end