4. rpc_account.pyΒΆ

  • This rpc module do all the functionality related to account like create , edit delete and information about balances .

  • as the above reate the class Account inherits XMLRPC class.

  • def xmlrpc_setAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):
    • it call getGroupCodeByGroupName() from rpc_groups pass param groupname will return groupcode

    • Adds an account in the account table, under a selected group and optionally a subgroup.

    • depending on the preference choosen by the user.

    • This function insert a row in the account table.

    • connection made with engine of sessions using client_id.

    • add query will be execute.

    • Input: queryParams[groupname,subgroupname,newsubgroupname,accountname,


    • Output: Returns String “success”

    def xmlrpc_setAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):
            group = rpc_groups.groups()
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            sp_params = [queryParams[0], queryParams[3]] # create sp_params list contain  groupname , accountname
            if queryParams[2] == "": # check for the new-subgroupname if blank then
                    if queryParams[1] == "No Sub-Group": # check for the subgroupname if "No Sub-Group"
                            sp_params.append("null")  # append null to sp_params list as 3rd parameter else
                            sp_params.append(queryParams[1]) # else append subgroupname sp_params list as 3rd parameter
            if queryParams[1] == "Create New Sub-Group" : # subgroupname is "Create New Sub-Group" then
                    sp_params.append(queryParams[2]) # append new-subgroupname to sp_params list as 4rd parameter
            if queryParams[0] == "Direct Income" or queryParams[0] == "Direct Expense"\
               or queryParams[0] == "Indirect Income" or queryParams[0] == "Indirect Expense": # check for groupname
                    sp_params.append(0) # if above groupname then append 0 as opening balance
            now = datetime.today() # sqlite take datetime or date object for TIMESTAMP
            #date = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            sp_params.append(now) # append the current date of system while setting account
            sp_params.append(sp_params[3]) # append accountname
            if queryParams[7] == "": # chech for suggested account code
                    sp_params.append("null") # if blank then append "null"
                    sp_params.append(queryParams[7]) # else append suggestedcode
            # execute here
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            # call getGroupCodeByGroupName() pass param groupname will return groupcode
            group_code = group.xmlrpc_getGroupCodeByGroupName([sp_params[0]], client_id);
            # check for accountcode if null
            if sp_params[6] == 'null': # then
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountcode).\
                    accountcode = []
                    if result == []:
                            maxcode = []
                            for row in result:
                                    maxcode = accountcode
                    if maxcode == []:
                            maxcode = 0
                            sp_params[6] = int(maxcode) + 1;
                            maxcode = max(maxcode)
                            sp_params[6] = int(maxcode) + 1;
            # check for new-subgropname if null
            if sp_params[2] == 'null': # then
                    # add all values in the account table
                    # if new-subgroupname is present then call getSubGroupCodeBySubGroupName pass params new-subgroupname
                    # it will return subgroupcode or False
                    subgroup_code =  group.xmlrpc_getSubGroupCodeBySubGroupName([sp_params[2]], client_id)
                    # check for subgroupcode if False
                    if subgroup_code == [] : # then
                            # call setSubGroup pass params groupname , new-subgroupname , client-id
                            # call getSubGroupCodeBySubGroupName pass params new-subgroupname return subgroupcode
                            subgroup_code =  group.xmlrpc_getSubGroupCodeBySubGroupName([sp_params[2]], client_id);
                    # add all the values in the account table
            return "success"
    • to get more information on sqlAlchemy and Querying please see Link.
  • This xmlrpc function will use ti edit accountname and opening balances and also update the current opening balance.

  • def xmlrpc_editAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • Modifies an account based on account code.
    • alters account name and opening balance.
    • This function will edit an account and change either account name, oepning balance or both.
    • the account is fetched internally by the software on the basis of account code, even if it was searched by client using account name.
    • If the function is successful,it will return the newly updated current balance.If the groupname sent in the queryParams is direct or indirect income, or direct or indirect expence, then the oepning balance is sent as 0.
    • Input: [accountname, accountcode, groupname and new_opening_balance]
    • Output: [Current_balance]
    def xmlrpc_editAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            spQueryParams = [queryParams[0], queryParams[1]]
            if queryParams[2] == "Direct Income" or \
                    queryParams[2] == "Indirect Income" \
                    or queryParams[2] == "Direct Expense" \
                    or queryParams[2] == "Indirect Expense":
                    print "sending openingbalance as 0"
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account).\
                    filter(dbconnect.Account.accountcode == spQueryParams[1]).first()
            resultParams = [float(result.openingbalance),float(result.balance)]
            if resultParams[0] == spQueryParams[2]:
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountcode == spQueryParams[1]).\
                            update({'accountname': spQueryParams[0]})
                    final_balance = (spQueryParams[2] - resultParams[0]) + resultParams[1];
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountcode == spQueryParams[1]).\
                            update({'accountname': spQueryParams[0],'openingbalance': spQueryParams[2],'balance': final_balance})
            return final_balance
  • def xmlrpc_getCrOpeningBalance(self, client_id):

    • This function calculates the total credit opening balance for all accounts with Cr opening balance.

    • groups who has Cr opening balances are Corpus Capital

      Current Liability Loans(Liability) Reserves.

    • when adding an account we tend to know what is the total of all debit and credit opening balances.

    • This function calculates the total for all accounts with Cr as opening balance.

    • function executes statement for the expected result as float.

    • refer rpc_main.py for the said group_subgroup_account view.

    • it takes no arguement and returns a float value.

    • Output: Total amount credit balances

    def xmlrpc_getCrOpeningBalance(self, client_id):
            statement = "select sum(openingbalance) as totalcrbal \
                    from group_subgroup_account \
                    where groupname \
                    in ('Corpus','Capital','Current Liability','Loans(Liability)','Reserves')"
            res = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            if res.totalcrbal == None:
                    return '%.2f'%(0.00)
                    return '%.2f'%(res.totalcrbal)
  • def xmlrpc_getDrOpeningBalance(self, client_id):

    • This function calculates the total debit opening balance for all accounts with Dr opening balance.
    • groups who has Dr opening balances are Current Asset Fixed Assets Investment Loans(Asset) Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset).
    • Functions takes no arguement and returns a float value.
    • function executes the stmt for the expected result as float.
    • refer rpc_main.py for the said group_subgroup_account view
    • Output: Total amount credit balances
    def xmlrpc_getDrOpeningBalance(self, client_id):
            stmt = "select sum(openingbalance) as totaldrbal\
                    from group_subgroup_account\
                    where groupname \
                    in ('Current Asset','Fixed Assets','Investment','Loans(Asset)','Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)')"
            if res.totaldrbal == None:
                    return '%.2f'%(0.00)
                    return '%.2f'%(res.totaldrbal)
  • def xmlrpc_getSuggestedCode(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • To get code on the basis of provided 3 characters at list queryParams[0]

    • function takes the 2 characters of selected group and first character of account.

    • The 2 characters of the selected group are determined in the front end.

    • The first character of the entered account is then appended to the former.

      • For example,
        • an account SBI in group Current Asset will send CAS as the 3 characters as queryParams[0]
        • The function then executes a stored procedure getSuggestedCode and checks if an account exists with a code starting with the given 3 characters.
        • if an account did exist then the given 3 characters will be postfixed with total count of existing similar account codes + 100.
        • If no such account is found then 100 will be concatinated to the first 3 chars. for example if no account exists with an account code starting with CAS, then the suggested code will be CAS100.
        • Next time an account with 3 chars as CAS is entered, then it will be CAS101.
    • Input: first two charector of groupname and first charecto of the accountname

      returns a string containing the suggested code.

    def xmlrpc_getSuggestedCode(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            SuggestedAccountCode = Session.query(func.count(dbconnect.Account.accountcode)).\
            if SuggestedAccountCode == 0:
                    return str(queryParams[0] + "100")
                    SuggestedAccount = SuggestedAccountCode + 100
                    return str(queryParams[0]) + str(SuggestedAccount)
  • def xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • Function for get an accountcode for given accountname.

    • queryParams which is a list containing one element, accountname as string.

    • Output: returns accountcode if it exist for given accountname

      else returns empty list

    def xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName(self, queryParams, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountcode).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountname == queryParams[0]).\
            if result == None:
                    return []
                    return result[0]
  • def xmlrpc_getAllAccountNames(self, client_id):

    • Function to get the list of all accountnames in the database.

    • Output: returns the list of all acountnames.

      else returns empty list

    def xmlrpc_getAllAccountNames(self, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountname).\
            accountnames = []
            if result == None:
                    return []
                    for row in result:
            return accountnames
  • def xmlrpc_getAllAccountCodes(self,client_id):

    • It will return list of all accountcodes present in the account table.
    • Output: returns the list of all accountcode else it returns empty list
    def xmlrpc_getAllAccountCodes(self,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountcode).\
            accountcodes = []
            if result == None:
                    return []
                    for row in result:
                    return accountcodes
  • def xmlrpc_getAllBankAccounts(self,client_id):

    • To get all accountnames which is under Bank subgroup.
    • it will query the group_subgroup_account view from rpc_main.
    • Returns list of accountnames
    def xmlrpc_getAllBankAccounts(self,client_id):
            statement = "select accountname\
                                    from group_subgroup_account\
                                    where subgroupname ='Bank'\
                                    order by accountname"
            getallbankaccounts = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if getallbankaccounts == []:
                    return []
                    bankaccount = []
                    for row in getallbankaccounts:
                    return bankaccount
  • def xmlrpc_getCashFlowOpening(self,client_id):

    • it query the group_subgroup_account view from rpc_main
    • to get all accountnames which is in under Bank and Cash subgroup
    • Returns list of [accountname,openingbalance]
    def xmlrpc_getCashFlowOpening(self,client_id):
            statement = "select accountname,openingbalance\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Bank','Cash') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            cashflow = []
            for row in result:
            return cashflow
  • def xmlrpc_getCashFlowReceivedAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • to get sum of amount for those transaction in which only Cash and Bank accountname(with Dr) are involve in startdate and todate
    • input: cfaccountname,cbaccountname,startdate,enddate
    • output parameters: cfamount
    def xmlrpc_getCashFlowReceivedAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            financial_fromdate = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            financial_enddate =  str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[3]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            statement = "select sum(amount)\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where account_name = '"+queryParams[0]+"' \
                            and vouchercode \
                            in(select vouchercode from view_voucherbook \
                            where typeflag = 'Dr' \
                            and account_name = '"+queryParams[1]+"'\
                            and reffdate >= '"+financial_fromdate+"'\
                            and reffdate <= '"+financial_enddate+"'\
                            and flag = 1)\
                            group by account_name"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            CashFlowReceived = []
            if result == None:
                    return result
                    for row in result:
                    return CashFlowReceived
  • def xmlrpc_getCashFlowPaidAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • to get sum of amount for those transaction in which only cash and bank accountname(with Cr) are involve in startdate and todate
    • input: cfaccountname,cbaccountname,startdate,enddate
    • cfaccountname will be except cash and bank accounts.
    • cbaccountname will be cash and bank accounts.
    • output: cfamount
    def xmlrpc_getCashFlowPaidAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            financial_fromdate = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            financial_enddate =  str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[3]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            statement = "select sum(amount)\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where account_name ='"+queryParams[0]+"'\
                            and vouchercode \
                            in(select vouchercode from view_voucherbook \
                            where typeflag = 'Cr' \
                            and account_name = '"+queryParams[1]+"'\
                            and reffdate >= '"+financial_fromdate+"' \
                            and reffdate <= '"+financial_enddate+"'\
                            and flag = 1)\
                            group by account_name"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            print "cash flow paid"
            print result
            getCashFlowPaid = []
            if result == None:
                    return result
                    for row in result:
                    return getCashFlowPaid
  • def xmlrpc_accountExists(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • function for finding if an account already exists with the supplied name.
    • queryParams which is a list containing one element, accountname as string.
    • querys the account table and sees if an account name similar to one provided as a parameter exists.
    • We can ensure that no duplicate account is ever entered because if a similar account exists.
    • like the one in queryparams[0] then we won’t allow another entry with same name.
    • output: 1 if account name exists and 0 if not.
    def xmlrpc_accountExists(self, queryParams, client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(func.count(dbconnect.Account.accountname)).\
                  filter((func.lower(dbconnect.Account.accountname)) == queryParams[0].lower()).\
            if result == 0:
                    return "0"
                    return "1"
  • def xmlrpc_accountCodeExists(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • Function for finding if an accountcode already exists with the supplied code.
    • Input: accountode(datatype:string)
    • Output: return “1” if accountcode exists and “0” if not.
    def xmlrpc_accountCodeExists(self, queryParams, client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(func.count(dbconnect.Account.accountcode)).\
                  filter((func.lower(dbconnect.Account.accountcode)) == queryParams[0].lower()).\
            if result == 0:
                    return "0"
                    return "1"
  • def xmlrpc_getAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • Searches and returns account details.

    • Search is based on either accountcode or account name.

    • it query to group_subgroup_account view from rpc_main

    • input:
      • searchFlag as integer (1 means search by account code and 2 means account name )
      • searchValue as text (value depends on the searchFlag)
    • output: list of below values
      • groupname
      • subgroupname (if any)
      • accountcode
      • accountname
      • openingbalance
    def xmlrpc_getAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):
            if queryParams[0] == 1:
                    statement = "select groupname,subgroupname,accountcode,accountname,openingbalance\
                                    from group_subgroup_account\
                                    where accountcode = '"+queryParams[1]+"'"
                    statement = "select groupname,subgroupname,accountcode,accountname,openingbalance\
                                    from group_subgroup_account\
                                    where accountname = '"+queryParams[1]+"'"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            if result[1] == None:
                    return [result[2], result[0],"No subgroup", result[3], result[4]]
                    return [result[2], result[0], result[1], result[3], result[4]]
  • def xmlrpc_getAccountNamesByGroupCode(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • to get accountname accourding to given groupcode.
    • it query to the Account tables.
    • Input: [groupcode]
    • Output: it will return list of accountname else return empty list
    def xmlrpc_getAccountNamesByGroupCode(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountname).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.groupcode == queryParams[0]).\
            accountnames = []
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    for account in result:
                    return accountnames
  • def xmlrpc_getAccountNamesByProjectName(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • call getProjectcoeByProjectName to get projectcode
    • using projectcode we will get accountnames used in transaction for given projectname.
    • function will return list of accountnames for particular projectname
    • Input: [projectname]
    • output: list of accountnames
    def xmlrpc_getAccountNamesByProjectName(self,queryParams,client_id):
            transaction = rpc_transaction.transaction()
            projectcode = transaction.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName(queryParams,client_id)
            statement = "select distinct(account_name)\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where projectcode = '"+str(projectcode)+"'\
                            and flag = 1\
                            order by account_name"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            accountname = []
            for Row in result:
            return accountname
  • def xmlrpc_deleteAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • function for deleting accountname row
    • Input: accountname as string.
    • Output: returns 1 when account is deleted
    def xmlrpc_deleteAccount(self, queryParams, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountname == queryParams[0]).\
            return "1"
  • def xmlrpc_hasOpeningBalance(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • function to find out whether the given account has opening balance
    • Input: accountname(datatype:string)
    • Output: if opening balance of accountname is 0 then return “0” else return “1”
    def xmlrpc_hasOpeningBalance(self, queryParams, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.openingbalance).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountname == queryParams[0]).\
            if result == 0:
                    return "0"
                    return "1"
  • def xmlrpc_hasTransactions(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • function to find out whether the given account has any transactions or not
    • Input: accountname as string.
    • returns: if there is any voucher entry of that accountname return 1 or else return 0
    def xmlrpc_hasTransactions(self, queryParams, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            statement = "select count(vouchercode) as vouchercodeCount\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where account_name ='"+str(queryParams[0])+"'"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            if result[0] == 0:
                    return 0
            if result[0]  > 0:
                    return 1
  • def xmlrpc_deleteAccountNameMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • function for deleting accounts.

    • for this we have used hasOpeningBalance hasTransactions & deleteAccount rpc functions.

    • with the help of hasTransactions we are able to find out whether the given account has any transactions or not.

    • it tells that if there is any voucher entry of that accountname return 1 or else return 0

    • The function hasOpeningBalance returns 1 if opening balance for that account exists or else returns 0

    • third function deleteAccount deletes that particular accountname

    • Input: [accountname,flag] or [accountcode,flag]

    • Output: if hasOpenibalance is 0 and hasTransaction is 0

      returns string “account deleted” if hasOpenibalance is 1 and hasTransaction is 1 returns string “has both opening balance and trasaction”

    def xmlrpc_deleteAccountNameMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            #if flag is 1, that means first element is account name
            if queryParams[1] == 1:
                    accName = str(queryParams[0])
                    hasOpeningBalance = self.xmlrpc_hasOpeningBalance([accName],client_id)
                    hasTransactions = self.xmlrpc_hasTransactions([accName],client_id)
                    #if flag is 2, that means first element is account code,
                    #we have to get accountname by accountcode
                    accName = self.xmlrpc_getAccountNameByAccountCode([str(queryParams[0])],client_id)
                    hasOpeningBalance = self.xmlrpc_hasOpeningBalance([accName],client_id)
                    hasTransactions = self.xmlrpc_hasTransactions([accName],client_id)
            if(str(hasOpeningBalance) == "0" and str(hasTransactions) == "0"):
                return "account deleted"
            elif(str(hasOpeningBalance) == "1" and str(hasTransactions) == "1"):
                return "has both opening balance and trasaction"
            elif(str(hasOpeningBalance) == "1"):
                return "has opening balance"
            elif(str(hasTransactions) == "1"):
                return "has transaction"
  • def xmlrpc_getAccountNameByAccountCode(self, queryParams, client_id):

    • function to get accountname provided the accountcode
    • querys the account table and sees if an acountcode similar to one provided as a parameter.
    • if it exists then it will return accountname
    • Input: [accountcode]
    • Output: Return accountname if present else empty list
    def xmlrpc_getAccountNameByAccountCode(self, queryParams, client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountname).\
                                    filter(dbconnect.Account.accountcode == queryParams[0]).\
            if result == None:
                    return []
                    return result[0]

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