5. rpc_getaccountsbyrule.pyΒΆ

  • This file provides accoutnames as per transaction rule.

  • In acounting there are different type of voucher and each of them has different rule

  • below functions will facilitate those functionality.

  • def xmlrpc_getContraAccounts(self,client_id):

    • fetches the list of all accounts which are used in a contra voucher.
    • takes no arguments and returns list of accounts. if no accounts are found for contra then returns false.
    • this function is called for populating the account’s list with all the accounts for contra.
    • Note that contra voucher only involves cash and bank accounts.
    def xmlrpc_getContraAccounts(self,client_id):
            statement = "select accountname\
                    from group_subgroup_account\
                    where subgroupname \
                    in ('Cash','Bank') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    contraAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return contraAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getJournalAccounts(self,client_id):

    • fetches the list of all accounts which are used in a journal voucher.
    • takes no arguments and returns list of accounts.
    • if no accounts are found for journal then returns false.
    • this function is called for populating the account’s list with all the accounts for journal.
    • Note that journal voucher involves all accounts, except cash and bank accounts.
    def xmlrpc_getJournalAccounts(self,client_id):
            statement = "select accountname\
                    from group_subgroup_account\
                    where subgroupname is null\
                    or subgroupname != 'Cash' and subgroupname != 'Bank' order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    journalAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return journalAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getReceivableAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • fetches the list of all accounts which are used in a Receivable voucher.
    • take one argument Cr or Dr and returns list of accounts according.
    • if no accounts are found for Receivable then returns false.
    • this function is called for populating the account’s list with all the accounts for Receivable.
    • if account type is Cr then it will returns account name list, except cash and bank accounts.
    • if account type is Dr then return only cash and bank accounts.
    def xmlrpc_getReceivableAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname is null\
                            or subgroupname != 'Cash' and subgroupname != 'Bank' order by accountname"
            else :
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Cash','Bank') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    recievableAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return recievableAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getPaymentAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • fetches the list of all accounts which are used in a Payment voucher.
    • take one argument Cr or Dr and returns list of accounts accordingly.
    • if no accounts are found for payment then returns false.
    • this function is called for populating the account’s list with all the accounts for payment.
    • if type is Dr then it will returns list of account names, except cash and bank accounts.
    • if type is Cr then returns only cash and bank accounts.
    def xmlrpc_getPaymentAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Cash','Bank') order by accountname"
                    #result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname is null\
                            or subgroupname != 'Cash' and subgroupname != 'Bank' order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    paymentAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return paymentAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getDebitNoteAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • get the list of accounts for debit note either for credit or debit side.
    • function takes one parameter cr_dr_flag.
    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to debit note.
    • if the input parameter is Cr then returns account under the groupnames Direct Expense Fixed Assets Indirect Expense
    • else returns accountname under subgroupnames Sundry Creditors for Expense Sundry Creditors for Purchase.
    def xmlrpc_getDebitNoteAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Expense','Fixed Assets','Indirect Expense') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Sundry Creditors for Expense','Sundry Creditors for Purchase') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    debitnoteAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return debitnoteAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getCreditNoteAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • gets the list of accounts for credit note either for credit or debit side.
    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to credit note.
    • if the input parameter is Cr then returns the accountnames under subgroupname Sundry Debtors.
    • else returns account under groupname Direct Income Indirect Income.
    def xmlrpc_getCreditNoteAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Sundry Debtors') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Income','Indirect Income') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    creditnoteAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return creditnoteAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getSalesAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • gets the list of accounts for sales accounts either for credit or debit side.

    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to sales accounts.

    • if the input parameter in queryParams[0] is Cr then return the accountname under groupname Direct Income Indirect Income

    • else returns accountname under subgroupname Bank Cash

      Sundry Debtor.

    def xmlrpc_getSalesAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Income','Indirect Income') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Bank','Cash','Sundry Debtors') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    salesAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return salesAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getPurchaseAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • gets the list of accounts for purchase accounts either for credit or debit side.
    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to purchase accounts.
    • if the input parameter in queryParams[0] is Cr then returns accountnames under subgroupname Bank Cash Sundry Creditors for Expense Sundry Creditors for Purchase
    • else returns acountnames under groupnames Direct Expense Indirect Expense.
    def xmlrpc_getPurchaseAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Bank','Cash','Sundry Creditors for Expense','Sundry Creditors for Purchase') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Expense','Indirect Expense') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    purchaseAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return purchaseAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getSalesReturnAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • gets the list of accounts for salesreturn either for credit or debit side.
    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to sales return accounts.
    • If the input parameter in queryParams[0] is Cr then returns the accountname under subgroupname Sundry Debtors
    • else returns accountnames under groupname Direct Expense Indirect Expense .
    def xmlrpc_getSalesReturnAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Sundry Debtors') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Expense','Indirect Expense') order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    salesreturnAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return salesreturnAccounts
  • def xmlrpc_getPurchaseReturnAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • gets the list of accounts for purchases return either for credit or debit side.
    • returns a list of accounts pertaining to purchases return.
    • if the input parameter in queryParams[0] is Cr then returns accuntnames under groupname Direct Income Indirect Income
    • else returns accountname under subgroupname Sundry Creditors for Expense Sundry Creditors for Purchase .
    def xmlrpc_getPurchaseReturnAccounts(self,queryParams,client_id):
            if  queryParams[0] == 'Cr':
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where groupname \
                            in ('Direct Income','Indirect Income') order by accountname"
                    statement = "select accountname\
                            from group_subgroup_account\
                            where subgroupname \
                            in ('Sundry Creditors for Expense','Sundry Creditors for Purchase')  order by accountname"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    purchasereturnAccounts = []
                    for row in result:
                    return purchasereturnAccounts

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