In ABTcore/abtserver folder you can see file.
This is the main file which implement the server and publish the object to given port and execute the xmlrpc functions.
We have used twisted module to implement server and executing xmlrpc calls.also to publish the object and make it to listen on the given port through reactor and start the service by running the reactor.
- import the xmlrpc and server for implementing server
- import ElementTree for creating and parsing xml file
- used sqlite3 as Database server and import dbapi2 driver for connection
- used sqlAlchemy(ORM) and bind it with sqlite3 for query
- modules is another package in ABTcore for removing blankspaces from words
- import all rpc file`s to publish it’s object with abt object.
#!/usr/bin/python from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server from twisted.internet import reactor from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker,scoped_session from xml.etree import ElementTree as et from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite from sqlalchemy.orm import join from decimal import * from modules import blankspace import datetime import os,sys import getopt import dbconnect import rpc_organisation import rpc_groups import rpc_account import rpc_transaction import rpc_data import rpc_user import rpc_reports import rpc_getaccountsbyrule
- rpc_main is a class file
- create class abt and initialize it __init__(self):
- class abt is derived class of xmlrpc.XMLRPC base class.
- all the def to be accessed by the client must have the xmlrpc_prefix.
- The client however will not use the prefix to call the functions.
- abt class contains xmlrpc def that we will discuss later.
from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server class abt(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def __init__(self): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self)
- As we have imported all the nested XML-RPC resource,so that create one handler abt calls another if a method with a given prefix is called.
# create the instance of class abt and it's subHandler`s abt = abt() groups=rpc_groups.groups() abt.putSubHandler('groups',groups) account=rpc_account.account() abt.putSubHandler('account',account) organisation = rpc_organisation.organisation() abt.putSubHandler('organisation',organisation) transaction=rpc_transaction.transaction() abt.putSubHandler('transaction',transaction) abt.putSubHandler('data',data) reports=rpc_reports.reports() abt.putSubHandler('reports',reports) user=rpc_user.user() abt.putSubHandler('user',user) getaccountsbyrule=rpc_getaccountsbyrule.getaccountsbyrule() abt.putSubHandler('getaccountsbyrule',getaccountsbyrule)
- and publish that handelr instance abt to server .
- let`s see def runabt() which is outside class abt():.
def runabt(): #publish the object and make it to listen on the given port through reactor reactor.listenTCP(7081, server.Site(abt)) #start the service by running the reactor.
- the below code from def runabt() is for daemonise given object
#the code to daemonise published instance. # Daemonizing abt # Accept commandline arguments # A workaround for debugging def usage(): print "Usage: %s [-d|--debug] [-h|--help]\n" % (sys.argv[0]) print "\t-d (--debug)\tStart server in debug mode. Do not fork a daemon." print "\t-d (--help)\tShow this help" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hd", ["help","debug"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() os._exit(2) debug = 0 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() os.exit(0) elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): debug = 1 # Do not fork if we are debug mode if debug == 0: try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: raise Exception, "Could not fork a daemon: %s" % (e.strerror) if pid != 0: os._exit(0) # Prevent it from being orphaned os.setsid() # Change working directory to root os.chdir("/") # Change umask os.umask(0) # All prints should be replaced with logging, preferrably into syslog # The standard I/O file descriptors are redirected to /dev/null by default. if (hasattr(os, "devnull")): REDIRECT_TO = os.devnull else: REDIRECT_TO = "/dev/null" # Redirect the standard I/O file descriptors to the specified file. Since # the daemon has no controlling terminal, most daemons redirect stdin, # stdout, and stderr to /dev/null. This is done to prevent side-effects # from reads and writes to the standard I/O file descriptors. # This call to open is guaranteed to return the lowest file descriptor, # which will be 0 (stdin), since it was closed above., os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0) # Duplicate standard input to standard output and standard error. os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1) os.dup2(0, 2) # standard error (2)Now,first of we will see where this runabt() called.
In ABTcore you can find abtstart python file.
- this is an executable file.
- this is calling function calls runabt() from``and start the ``ABTcore.
In abtstart you are able to see system command’s , it’s basically written to maintain databse files loacally.
- import rpc_main
- provided places.db database file in ABTcore/src which maintains data about state and cities.
- copy places.db database file in /opt/abt/.
- create folder abt to maintain all files need to work ABT.
- create db directory to host all the database files , to keep all record of organisation.
All the database files of organisations will be there at /opt/abt/db.
#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, signal from time import sleep from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import abtserver.rpc_main if __name__ == "__main__": try: if os.path.exists("/opt/abt") == False: # check for abt directory , if false then try: print "creating directory" os.system("mkdir -p /opt/abt/db") # create abt directory and db to host all databases os.system("cp ./src/places.db /opt/abt/") # copy places.db from /src to abt except: print "can't create directory somthing is wrong" else: if os.path.exists("/opt/abt/db") == False: # check for abt/db directory , if false then try: print "creating directory" os.system("mkdir /opt/abt/db") # create db directory in abt os.system("cp ./src/places.db /opt/abt/") # copy places.db from /src to abt except: print "can't create directory somthing is wrong" else: print "db already exist" print "abt already exist" #calling runabt() from which is in abtserver abtserver.rpc_main.runabt() except: print "inside exception"let’s see def in class abt.
def xmlrpc_getOrganisationNames(self):
- function is used to return the list of organsation names found in abt.xml located at /opt/abt/
- we have imported ElementTree for parsing xml file.
def xmlrpc_getOrganisationNames(self): # calling the function getOrgList for getting list of organisation nodes. orgs = dbconnect.getOrgList() # initialising an empty list for organisation names orgnames = [] for org in orgs: # find orgname tag in abt.xml file orgname= org.find("orgname") # append the distinct orgname if orgname.text not in orgnames: orgnames.append(orgname.text) return orgnames
- def xmlrpc_getFinancialYear(self,arg_orgName):
This function will return a list of financial years for the given organisation.
Input: [organisationname]
calls getOrgList() def from dbconnect file
- returns financialyear list for paritcular organisation
in the format “dd-mm-yyyy”
def xmlrpc_getFinancialYear(self,arg_orgName): #get the list of organisations from the /opt/abt/abt.xml file. #we will call the getOrgList function to get the nodes. orgs = dbconnect.getOrgList() #Initialising an empty list to be filled with financial years financialyearlist = [] for org in orgs: orgname = org.find("orgname") if orgname.text == arg_orgName: financialyear_from = org.find("financial_year_from") financialyear_to = org.find("financial_year_to") from_and_to = [financialyear_from.text, financialyear_to.text] financialyearlist.append(from_and_to) return financialyearlistdef xmlrpc_getConnection(self,queryParams):
- This function is used to return the client_id for sqlite engine found in
- Input: [organisation name]
- Output: Returns the client_id integer
def xmlrpc_getConnection(self,queryParams): self.client_id = dbconnect.getConnection(queryParams) return self.client_iddef xmlrpc_closeConnection(self,client_id):
- This function is used close the connetion with sqlite for client_id
- Input: client_id
- Output: Returns boolean True if conncetion closed
def xmlrpc_closeConnection(self,client_id): dbconnect.engines[client_id].dispose() del dbconnect.engines[client_id] return Truedef xmlrpc_Deploy(self,queryParams):
The function will generate the database name based on the organisation name and time stap.
- provided the name of the database is a combination of,
first character of organisation name, time stap as “dd-mm-yyyy-hh-MM-ss-ms”
An entry will be made in the xml file for the currosponding organisation.
This function deploys a database instance for an organisation for a given financial year.
It will call to getConnection and establish the connection for created database
also create the metadata(tables) given in dbconnect for that organisation using sqlAlchemy.
create the Views for the particular organisation.
It add manually groupnames ad subgroups to it’s corresponding class tables Groups and subGroups
- Input: [organisation name,From date,to
date,organisation type]
Output: Returns boolean True and client_id
def xmlrpc_Deploy(self,queryParams): queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams) abtconf = et.parse("/opt/abt/abt.xml") abtroot = abtconf.getroot() org = et.SubElement(abtroot,"organisation") #creating an organisation tag org_name = et.SubElement(org,"orgname") # assigning client queryparams values to variables name_of_org = queryParams[0] # name of organisation db_from_date = queryParams[1]# from date db_to_date = queryParams[2] # to date organisationType = queryParams[3] # organisation type org_name.text = name_of_org #assigning orgnisation name value in orgname tag text of abt.xml financial_year_from = et.SubElement(org,"financial_year_from") #creating a new tag for financial year from-to financial_year_from.text = db_from_date financial_year_to = et.SubElement(org,"financial_year_to") financial_year_to.text = db_to_date dbname = et.SubElement(org,"dbname") #creating database name for organisation org_db_name = name_of_org[0:1] time = str_time = str(time.microsecond) new_microsecond = str_time[0:2] result_dbname = org_db_name + str(time.year) + str(time.month) + str( + str(time.hour)\ + str(time.minute) + str(time.second) + new_microsecond dbname.text = result_dbname #assigning created database name value in dbname tag text of abt.xml abtconf.write("/opt/abt/abt.xml") # getting client_id for the given orgnisation and from and to date self.client_id = dbconnect.getConnection([name_of_org,db_from_date,db_to_date]) try: metadata = dbconnect.Base.metadata metadata.create_all(dbconnect.engines[self.client_id]) except: print "cannot create metadata" Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=dbconnect.engines[self.client_id])) dbconnect.engines[self.client_id].execute(\ "create view view_account as \ select groups.groupname, account.accountcode, account.accountname, account.subgroupcode\ from groups, account where groups.groupcode = account.groupcode\ order by groupname;") dbconnect.engines[self.client_id].execute(\ "create view view_voucherbook as \ select voucher_master.vouchercode,voucher_master.flag,voucher_master.reference,\ voucher_master.voucherdate,voucher_master.reffdate,voucher_master.vouchertype,account.accountname\ as account_name,voucher_details.typeflag,voucher_details.amount,\ voucher_master.narration,voucher_master.projectcode\ from voucher_master,voucher_details,account as account \ where voucher_master.vouchercode = voucher_details.vouchercode \ and voucher_details.accountcode = account.accountcode;") dbconnect.engines[self.client_id].execute(\ "create view view_group_subgroup as \ select groups.groupcode, groups.groupname,subgroups.subgroupcode,subgroups.subgroupname\ from groups, subgroups where groups.groupcode = subgroups.groupcode \ order by groupname;") dbconnect.engines[self.client_id].execute(\ "create view group_subgroup_account as select groups.groupname,\ subgroups.subgroupname,account.accountcode,account.accountname,account.openingbalance,\ account.balance\ from groups join account on (groups.groupcode = account.groupcode)\ left outer join subgroups\ on (account.subgroupcode = subgroups.subgroupcode) order by groupname;") if (organisationType == "Profit Making"): Session.add_all([\ dbconnect.Groups('Capital',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Current Asset',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Current Liability',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Direct Income','Income refers to consumption\ opportunity gained by an entity within a specified time frame.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Direct Expense','This are the expenses to be incurred for\ operating the buisness.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Fixed Assets',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Indirect Income','Income refers to consumption opportunity\ gained by an entity within a specified time frame.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Indirect Expense','This are the expenses to be incurred\ for operating the buisness.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Investment',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Loans(Asset)',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Loans(Liability)',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Reserves',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)','')\ ]) Session.commit() else: Session.add_all([\ dbconnect.Groups('Corpus',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Current Asset',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Current Liability',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Direct Income','Income refers to consumption\ opportunity gained by an entity within a specified time frame.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Direct Expense','This are the \ expenses to be incurred for operating the buisness.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Fixed Assets',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Indirect Income','Income refers to consumption \ opportunity gained by an entity within a specified time frame.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Indirect Expense','This are the \ expenses to be incurred for operating the buisness.'),\ dbconnect.Groups('Investment',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Loans(Asset)',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Loans(Liability)',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Reserves',''),\ dbconnect.Groups('Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)','')\ ]) Session.commit() Session.add_all([\ dbconnect.subGroups('2','Bank'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('2','Cash'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('2','Inventory'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('2','Loans & Advance'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('2','Sundry Debtors'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('3','Provisions'), dbconnect.subGroups('3','Sundry Creditors for Expense'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('3','Sundry Creditors for Purchase'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('6','Building'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('6','Furniture'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('6','Land'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('6','Plant & Machinery'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('9','Investment in Shares & Debentures'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('9','Investment in Bank Deposits'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('11','Secured'),\ dbconnect.subGroups('11','Unsecured')\ ]) Session.commit() Session.add_all([\ dbconnect.Flags(None,'mandatory'),\ dbconnect.Flags(None,'automatic')\ ]) Session.commit() Session.close() connection.close() return True,self.client_idcode for creating the abt.xml file is present in dbconnect.
Now, abt.xml will be look like as below
- For example:
<abt> <organisation> <orgname>Iit</orgname> <financial_year_from>01-04-2013</financial_year_from> <financial_year_to>31-03-2014</financial_year_to> <dbname>I20131151665878</dbname> </organisation> </abt>
to open abt.xml file cd to /opt/abt/ and run below command on terminal
sudo gedit abt.xmlyou can open it using other editor like vim , emac etc.