6. rpc_transactions.pyΒΆ

  • This rpc module will proved details about all transactions

  • It will save , edit , clone , delete and some other operations.

  • create class transactions inherit the XMLRPC class

    • import the database connector
    • import the twisted modules for executing rpc calls and also to implement the server
    • reactor from the twisted library starts the server with a published object and listens on a given port.
    • inherit the class from XMLRPC to make it publishable as an rpc service.
    • import rpc_account module to create its instance and functions
    import dbconnect
    from twisted.web import xmlrpc, server
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    import rpc_account
    from datetime import datetime, time
    from sqlalchemy import func , and_ , or_
    from modules import blankspace
    class transaction(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
            def __init__(self):
  • def xmlrpc_setTransaction(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id):

    • This function is used to create a new voucher.
    • adds a new voucher in the database given its reference number and transaction details (dr and cr), along with narration and the date.
    • the entire transaction is recorded in terms of Dr and Cr and the respected amounts.
    • the function call 3 funtions from same file rpc_transation.py xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails
    • and call xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName from rpc_account.py to get accountcode by accountname
    • input: queryParams_master list will contain: reference number,transaction date ,voucher type,project name,narration queryParams_details list will contain: DrCr flag,AccountName,the amount for the respective account.
    • function returns “success”.
    def xmlrpc_setTransaction(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id):
            queryParams_master = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams_master)
            print "queryParams_master"
            print queryParams_master
            projectcode = self.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName([queryParams_master[3]],client_id)
            params_master = [queryParams_master[0],queryParams_master[1],queryParams_master[2],projectcode,queryParams_master[4]]
            print "params master"
            print params_master
            vouchercode = self.xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster(params_master,client_id)
            print "query for masters is successful and voucher code is " + str(vouchercode)
            for detailRow in queryParams_details:
                    queryParams_details = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(detailRow)
                    account = rpc_account.account();
                    accountcode = account.xmlrpc_getAccountCodeByAccountName([detailRow[1]],client_id);
                    params_details = [vouchercode,str(detailRow[0]),str(accountcode),float(detailRow[2])]
            return 1
  • def xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • adds a new voucher in the database given its reference number and transaction details (dr and cr), along with narration and the date.
    • This function is used to create a new voucher.
    • The entire transaction is recorded in terms of Dr and Cr and the respected amounts.
    • queryParams list will contain : reference Number,the actual transaction date,voucher type project name , Narration
    • return vouchercode
    def xmlrpc_setVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            VoucherCode = Session.query(func.count(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.vouchercode)).scalar()
            if VoucherCode == None:
                    VoucherCode = 0
                    VoucherCode = VoucherCode + 1
                    VoucherCode = VoucherCode + 1
            system_date = datetime.today() # sqlite take datetime or date object for TIMESTAMP
            reffdate =  datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[1]),"%d-%m-%Y")
            # add all values in the account table
            return VoucherCode
  • def xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • function to get projectcode acouding to projectname

    • input: It will take only one input projectname

    • output: it will return projectcode if projectname match

      else returns 0

    def xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Projects.projectcode).\
                  filter(dbconnect.Projects.projectname == queryParams[0]).first()
            print result
            if result == None:
                    return 0
                    projectCode = result[0]
                    return projectCode
  • def xmlrpc_getProjectNameByProjectCode(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • function to get projectname acouding to projectcode

    • input: It will take only one input projectcode

    • output: it will return projectname if projectcode match

      else returns None String

    def xmlrpc_getProjectNameByProjectCode(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Projects.projectname).\
                  filter(dbconnect.Projects.projectcode == queryParams[0]).first()
            if result == None:
                    return result
                    projectname = result[0]
                    return projectname
  • def xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • it set voucher details which will be use in setTransaction
    • input: Dr or Cr flag,AccountName,the amount for the respective account.
    • output: it returns “success ” as string
    def xmlrpc_setVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            return "success"
  • def xmlrpc_getTransactions(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • get voucher details from the database given input parameters

    • it will chech for Project exist or not

    • if ‘No Project’ then
      • it will query to ‘view_voucherbook’ view in (rpc.main)
      • gives the details of transactions which is under ‘No Project’
      • it will query to ‘view_voucherbook’ view in (rpc.main)
      • gives the details of transactions which is under given project name.
    • it will call xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName from same file rpc_transation.py to get projectcode for given projectname

    • input: [accountname,from_date,to_date,projectname]

    • output: [vouchercode , voucherflag , reff_date , voucher_reference,


    def xmlrpc_getTransactions(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            from_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[1]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            to_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            if queryParams[3] == 'No Project':
                    print "In No Project"
                    statement = "select vouchercode,typeflag,reffdate,reference,amount,narration\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where account_name = '"+queryParams[0]+"'\
                                    and reffdate >= '"+from_date+"'\
                                    and reffdate <= '"+to_date+"'\
                                    and flag == 1\
                                    order by reffdate"
                    result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
                    project_code = self.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName([str(queryParams[3])],client_id)
                    print "main params"
                    print str(project_code)
                    print queryParams[0]
                    print queryParams[1]
                    print queryParams[2]
                    statement = "select vouchercode, typeflag ,reffdate,reference,amount,narration\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where account_name = '"+queryParams[0]+"'\
                                    and projectcode = '"+str(project_code)+"'\
                                    and reffdate >= '"+from_date +"'\
                                    and reffdate <= '"+to_date+"'\
                                    and flag == 1\
                                    order by reffdate"
                    result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            transactionlist = []
            for row in result:
            return transactionlist
  • def xmlrpc_getParticulars(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • to get list of Particulars from the database given input parameters

    • it will retrive acount name list from view_voucherbook accounts which is involved in transactions

    • if it is involve then
      • it will query to ‘view_voucherbook’ view in (rpc.main)
      • and gives the list of account names
      • it will query to ‘view_voucherbook’ view in (rpc.main)
      • and gives the empty list

    input: [voucher_code,type_flag] output: [accountnames]

    def xmlrpc_getParticulars(self,queryParams,client_id):
            statement = "select account_name\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where vouchercode = '"+str(queryParams[0])+"'\
                            and typeflag ='"+queryParams[1]+"' \
                            and flag = 1\
                            order by account_name"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            accountnames = []
            for row in result:
            return accountnames
  • def xmlrpc_searchVoucher(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • The function is used to get the list of vouchers on the basis of either reference number (which can be duplicate),or date range, or some words from narration.
    • This means one or more vouchers could be by the same reference number or within a given date range.
    • The list thus returned contains all details of a given voucher except its exact transactions, i.e the records from voucher_master.
    • The function calls 3 definations fron the same class file xmlrpc_searchVouchers xmlrpc_getVoucherAmount xmlrpc_getVoucherDetails
    • returns one or more vouchers given the reference number or date range (which ever specified)takes one parameter queryParams as list.
    • input: [searchFlag , refeence_no , from_date , to_date , narration ]
    • searchFlag integer (1 implies serch by reference,2 as search by date range and 3 as search by narration.
    • returns a 2 dimensional list containing one or more records from voucher_master
    • output:[vouchercode , refeence_no , reffdate,vouchertype,dramount ,cramount , totalamount , narration ]
    def xmlrpc_searchVoucher(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            vouchers = self.xmlrpc_searchVouchers(queryParams,client_id)
            voucherView = []
            for voucherRow in vouchers:
                    amtRow = self.xmlrpc_getVoucherAmount([voucherRow[0]],client_id)
                    voucherAccounts = self.xmlrpc_getVoucherDetails([voucherRow[0]],client_id)
                    drAccount = ""
                    crAccount = ""
                    drCounter = 1
                    crCounter = 1
                    for va in voucherAccounts:
                            if va[1] == "Dr" and drCounter == 2:
                                    drAccount = va[0] + "+"
                            if va[1] == "Dr" and drCounter == 1:
                                    drAccount = va[0]
                                    drCounter = drCounter +1
                            if va[1] == "Cr" and crCounter == 2:
                                    crAccount = va[0] + "+"
                            if va[1] == "Cr" and crCounter == 1:
                                    crAccount = va[0]
                                    crCounter = crCounter +1
                    totalAmount = '%.2f'%(amtRow)
            return voucherView
  • def xmlrpc_searchVouchers(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • This function will be usefull in the searchVouchers to get Complete details or information about transaction
    • input: [searchFlag,ref_no,from_date, to_date ,narration]
    • output: [vouchercode , refeence_no , reffdate,vouchertype,narration ]
    def xmlrpc_searchVouchers(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            from_date = datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y")
            to_date = datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[3]),"%d-%m-%Y")
            if queryParams[0] == 1:
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.VoucherMaster).\
                                            filter(and_(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.reference == queryParams[1],\
                                            dbconnect.VoucherMaster.flag == 1)).\
                    print "search voucher by reference no"
            if queryParams[0] == 2:
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.VoucherMaster).\
                                            filter(and_(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.reffdate >= from_date,\
                                            dbconnect.VoucherMaster.reffdate <= to_date,\
                                            dbconnect.VoucherMaster.flag == 1)).\
                    print "search by date "
            if queryParams[0] == 3:
                    result = Session.query(dbconnect.VoucherMaster).\
                    filter(and_(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.flag == 1,\
            if result == []:
                    return result
                    voucherlists = []
                    for row in result:
                            reffdate = str(row.reffdate).split(" ")
                            ref_date = datetime.strptime(reffdate[0],"%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                    return voucherlists
  • def xmlrpc_getVoucherAmount(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • to get amount of particular transaction
    • input: [voucher_code]
    • output: [totalamount]
    def xmlrpc_getVoucherAmount(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            statement = "select sum(amount) as totalamount\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where vouchercode = '"+str(queryParams[0])+"'\
                                    and typeflag ='Cr'"
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            if result[0] == None:
                    return []
                    return result[0]
  • def xmlrpc_getVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • gets the transaction related details given a vouchercode.
    • input: [voucher_code]
    • returns 2 dimentional list containing rows with 3 columns.
    • output: [accountname,typeflag,amount]
    def xmlrpc_getVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            statement = "select account_name,typeflag,amount\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where vouchercode = '"+str(queryParams[0])+"'\
                                    and flag = 1 "
            result = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchall()
            voucherdetails = []
            if result == None:
                    return []
                    for row in result:
            return voucherdetails
  • def xmlrpc_getVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • This function is used along with getVoucherDetails to searchVoucher (get complete voucher) useful while editing or cloning.
    • The function takes one parameter which is a list containing vouchercode.
    • returns a record from the voucher master containing single row data for a given transaction.
    • This function call defination xmlrpc_getProjectNameByProjectCode which is in the same file rpc_transaction to get project name
    • Returns list containing data from voucher_master.
    • input: [voucher_code]
    • output:[reference,reffdate,vouchertype,projectname,narrartion]
    def xmlrpc_getVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.VoucherMaster).\
                                    filter(and_(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.vouchercode == str(queryParams[0]),\
                                    dbconnect.VoucherMaster.flag == 1)).\
            if result == None:
                    return []
            else :
                    reffdate = str(result.reffdate).split(" ")
                    ref_date = datetime.strptime(reffdate[0],"%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                    voucherRow = [result.reference,ref_date,result.vouchertype,result.narration,result.projectcode]
                    projectName = self.xmlrpc_getProjectNameByProjectCode([int(voucherRow[4])],client_id)
                    if projectName == None:
                            projectName = "No Project"
                    voucherMaster = [voucherRow[0],voucherRow[1],voucherRow[2],voucherRow[3],projectName]
                    return voucherMaster
  • def xmlrpc_deleteVoucher(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • This function will not completely delete voucherdetails but it will set the flag 0 instead 1
    • so it will be like disabled for search voucher
    • input: [vouchercode]
    def xmlrpc_deleteVoucher(self,queryParams,client_id):
            queryParams = blankspace.remove_whitespaces(queryParams)
                    connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
                    Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
                            filter(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.vouchercode == queryParams[0]).\
                    return True
                    return False
  • def xmlrpc_editVoucher(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id):

    • this function is used to create a edit voucher.
    • adds a new voucher in the database given its reference number and transaction details (dr and cr), along with narration and the date.
    • The entire transaction is recorded in terms of Dr and Cr and the respected amounts.
    • The function call four funtions from same file rpc_transation.py xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName xmlrpc_editVoucherMaster xmlrpc_deleteVoucherDetails xmlrpc_editVoucherDetails.
    • queryParams_master list will contain : [vouchercode,reffdate,project name,Narration]
    • queryParams_details list will contain : [AccountName,dr amount,cr amount]
    • returns “success”.
    def xmlrpc_editVoucher(self,queryParams_master,queryParams_details,client_id):
            projectCode = self.xmlrpc_getProjectcodeByProjectName([queryParams_master[2]],client_id)
            if projectCode == None:
                    projectCode = 0
            del queryParams_master[2]
            successRow = self.xmlrpc_editVoucherMaster(editParams,client_id)
            if successRow == "success":
                    delete = self.xmlrpc_deleteVoucherDetails([queryParams_master[0]],client_id)
                    for detailRow in queryParams_details:
                            sp_details = []
                            if float(detailRow[2]) == 0:
                            if float(detailRow[1]) == 0:
                            result = self.xmlrpc_editVoucherDetails(sp_details,client_id)
            return result
  • def xmlrpc_editVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • it update vouchermaster table depend on given vouchercode
    • input: [vouchercode,reffdate,projectcode,narration]
    • output: String “success”
    def xmlrpc_editVoucherMaster(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            reff_date = datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[1]),"%d-%m-%Y")
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.VoucherMaster ).\
                            filter(dbconnect.VoucherMaster.vouchercode == queryParams[0]).\
                            update({'reffdate': reff_date,'projectcode': queryParams[2],'narration':  queryParams[3]})
            return "success"
  • def xmlrpc_editVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • this add the accountcode,typeflag and amount
    • input: [vouchercode,accountname,amount,narration]
    • output: String “success”
    def xmlrpc_editVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.Account.accountcode).\
                            filter(dbconnect.Account.accountname == queryParams[1]).\
            account_code = result.accountcode
                            vouchercode = queryParams[0],\
                            accountcode = account_code,\
                            typeflag = queryParams[2],\
                            amount = queryParams[3]\
            return "success"
  • def xmlrpc_deleteVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
    • it will delete voucher depend on given voucher code
    • input: [vouchercode]
    • output: String “deleted”
    def xmlrpc_deleteVoucherDetails(self,queryParams,client_id):
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            return "deleted"
  • def xmlrpc_getOnlyClearedTransactions(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • This function will check for cleared transactions

    • input : [accountname,vouchercode,financialstart,todate]

    • output: if transaction is exist in bankrecon table

      it will return boolean True else False

    def xmlrpc_getOnlyClearedTransactions(self,queryParams,client_id):
            from_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[2]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            to_date = str(datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[3]),"%d-%m-%Y"))
            connection = dbconnect.engines[client_id].connect()
            Session = dbconnect.session(bind=connection)
            result = Session.query(dbconnect.BankRecon).filter(and_(dbconnect.BankRecon.accountname==queryParams[0],\
                            dbconnect.BankRecon.clearancedate >= from_date,\
                            dbconnect.BankRecon.clearancedate <= to_date)).\
            if result != None:
                    return True
                    return False
  • def xmlrpc_getLastReference(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • To get last reference number for respective vouchertype
    • input: [vouchertype]
    • output: [reffno]
    def xmlrpc_getLastReference(self,queryParams,client_id):
            statement = "select count(vouchercode)\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where vouchertype = '"+queryParams[0]+"'"
            maxcode = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            if maxcode[0] > 0:
                    statement = "select reference\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where vouchercode = (\
                                                            select max(vouchercode)from view_voucherbook \
                                                            where vouchertype = '"+queryParams[0]+"'\
                                                            and flag = 1)"
                    reffno = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
                    reffno = reffno.reference
            else :
                    reffno = str(maxcode[0]+1)
            return reffno
  • def xmlrpc_getLastReffDate(self,queryParams,client_id):

    • To get last reference date for respective vouchertype
    • input:[financial_start,voucher_type]
    • output parameters:[reference_date]
    def xmlrpc_getLastReffDate(self,queryParams,client_id):
            statement = "select count(vouchercode)\
                            from view_voucherbook\
                            where vouchertype = '"+queryParams[1]+"'"
            maxcode = dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
            reff_date = datetime.strptime(str(queryParams[0]),"%d-%m-%Y")
            if maxcode[0] > 0:
                    statement = "select reffdate\
                                    from view_voucherbook\
                                    where vouchercode = (\
                                                            select max(vouchercode)from view_voucherbook \
                                                            where vouchertype = '"+queryParams[1]+"'\
                                                            and flag = 1)"
                    reff_date= dbconnect.engines[client_id].execute(statement).fetchone()
                    reff_date = str(reff_date.reffdate).split(" ")
                    reff_date = datetime.strptime(reff_date[0],"%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
            else :
                    reff_date = str(queryParams[0])
            return reff_date

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