Every account falls under a Group and optionally a Sub-Group.
All the Group names are available in Group name drop-down.
If organization type is NGO, it will include Corpus in the list, or else Capital.
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
Current Asset
- No subgroup
- Bank
- Cash
- Inventory
- Loan and Advance
- Sundry Debtors
- Create new subgroup
Current Liability
- No subgroup
- Provision
- Sundry Creditors for Expense
- Sundry Creditors for Purchase
- Loan abd Advance
- Create new subgroup
Direct Income
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
Direct Expense
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
Fixed Assest
- No subgroup
- Building
- Furniture
- Land
- Plant and Machinery
- Create new subgroup
Indirect Income
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
Indirect Expense
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
- No subgroup
- Investment in Share & Debentures
- Investment in Bank Deposits
- Create new subgroup
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
- No subgroup
- Secured
- Unsecured
- Create new subgroup
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
Miscellaneous Expense(Asset)
- No subgroup
- Create new subgroup
The accounts will have Credit opening balance under groups: Corpus,Current Liability, Loans(Liability) & Reserves.
The accounts will have Debit opening balance under groups: Current Asset, Fixed Assets, Loans (Asset), Investment, Miscellaneous Expenses(Asset)
Accounts under groups: Direct Expense, Direct Income, Indirect Expense, Indirect Income will have zero opening balance.
Depending upon the group, select required subgroup. We can add new subgroup if required.
ABT suggests an account code, we can edit the suggested code or we can even leave it as it is.
You need to enter opening balance if you are setting up a new business or its your first accounting package. Enter the Debit/Credit Opening Balance. The default value is 0.00. You can accept this or enter any positive or negative value.
Last field displays the difference between debit and credit opening balances.