Sparse writing (Scilab gateway)

How to write sparse matrix in a gateway. Create from existing data.

Calling Sequence

Input argument profile:

SciErr createSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, const int* _piNbItemRow, const int* _piColPos, const double* _pdblReal)
SciErr createComplexSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, const int* _piNbItemRow, const int* _piColPos, const double* _pdblReal, const double* _pdblImg)

Named variable profile:

SciErr createNamedSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, const int* _piNbItemRow, const int* _piColPos, const double* _pdblReal)
SciErr createNamedComplexSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, const int* _piNbItemRow, const int* _piColPos, const double* _pdblReal, const double* _pdblImg)


:_pvCtx Scilab environment pointer, pass in “pvApiCtx” provided by
: :_iVar Position in the Scilab memory where you want to put the

: :_pstName Name of the variable for “named” functions. : :_iRows Number of rows of the new variable. : :_iCols Number of columns of the new variable. : :_iNbItem Number of non zero itmes in the sparse. : :_piNbItemRow Number of item in each rows (size: _iRows). : :_piColPos Column position for each item (size: _iNbItem). : :_pdblReal Address of real data array (size: _iNbItem). : :_pdblImg Address of imaginary data array (size: _iNbItem). This

argument does not exist with createSparseMatrix and createNamedSparseMatrix.
: :SciErr Error structure where is stored errors messages history and
first error number.

: Write directly in Scilab memory.

Calling Sequence

Input argument profile:

SciErr allocSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, int** _piNbItemRow, int** _piColPos, double** _pdblReal)
SciErr allocComplexSparseMatrix(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, int** _piNbItemRow, int** _piColPos, double** _pdblReal, double** _pdblImg)


:_pvCtx Scilab environment pointer, pass in “pvApiCtx” provided by
: :_iVar Position in the Scilab memory where you want to put the

: :_iRows Number of rows of the new variable. : :_iCols Number of columns of the new variable. : :_iNbItem Number of non zero itmes in the sparse. : :_piNbItemRow Return address of number of item in each rows (size:

: :_piColPos Return address of column position for each item (size:

: :_pdblReal Address of real data array (size: _iNbItem). : :_pdblImg Address of imaginary data array (size: _iNbItem). This

argument does not exist with allocSparseMatrix.
: :SciErr Error structure where is stored errors messages history and
first error number.



This help describes how to add sparse matrix.

Two types of functions can be used to write in the memory of Scilab.

Gateway Source

#include "api_scilab.h"
int write_sparse(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int piNbItemRow[]       = {1,2,1};
    int piColPos[]          = {8,4,7,2};
    double pdblSReal[]      = {1,2,3,4};
    double pdblSImg[]       = {4,3,2,1};
    int iNbItem                     = 4;

    sciErr = createComplexSparseMatrix(pvApiCtx, nbInputArgument + 1, 3, 10, iNbItem, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblSReal, pdblSImg);
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            return 0;

    AssignOutputVariable(1) = nbInputArgument + 1;
    return 0;

Scilab test script

sp_ref = `sparse`_([1,8;2,4;2,7;3,2],[1+4*%i,2+3*%i,3+2*%i,4+%i], [3,10]);
sp = write_sparse();
if `or`_(sp <> sp_ref) then `error`_("failed"), end

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