Evaluate a string whithin the Tcl/Tk interpreter
TCL_EvalStr(str [,interp])
res = TCL_EvalStr(str [,interp])
This routine allows to evaluate Tcl/Tk instructions with the Tcl/Tk interpreter launched with Scilab (when the interp parameter is not given), or in a slave interpreter.
When Tcl/Tk support is enabled in Scilab, you can evaluate Tcl/Tk expression from Scilab interpreter. In fact, Scilab launches a main Tcl/Tk interpreter. The Scilab instruction TCL_EvalStr can be used to evaluate expressions without having to write Tcl/Tk instructions in a separated file (this capability is provided by TCL_EvalFile).
More information about Tcl/Tk: http://www.tcl.tk/doc/
//with one call
TCL_EvalStr(["toplevel .foo1"
"label .foo1.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!"""
"pack .foo1.l"
"button .foo1.b -text close -command {destroy .foo1}"
"pack .foo1.b"])
//step by step (debugging)
TCL_EvalStr("toplevel .foo2");
// creates a toplevel TK window.
TCL_EvalStr("label .foo2.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!""");
// create a static label
TCL_EvalStr("pack .foo2.l");
// pack the label widget. It appears on the screen.
text="button .foo2.b -text close -command {destroy .foo2}";
TCL_EvalStr("pack .foo2.b");
//kill the windows by program
TCL_EvalStr("destroy .foo1");
TCL_EvalStr("destroy .foo2");
//with one call, and in a slave interpreter
TCL_EvalStr('set test ""in Slave TCL Interp""','TCLSlave');
// return a result
res = TCL_EvalStr("expr 1+1")
res = TCL_EvalStr("tk_messageBox -message Hello -type okcancel")
res = TCL_EvalStr(["expr 4+5" "lsearch -all {a b c a b c} c" ; "list [list a b c] [list d e f] [list g h i]" "llength {a b c d e}"])