
Evaluate a string whithin the Tcl/Tk interpreter

Calling Sequence

TCL_EvalStr(str [,interp])
res = TCL_EvalStr(str [,interp])


:str string or matrix of strings, contains a Tcl/Tk script in each
: :interp optional character string parameter. Name of the slave Tcl
interpreter in which the operation has to be performed. If not provided, it defaults to the main Tcl interpreter created by Scilab.
: :res result of the evaluation, if it is successful. This is a
character string matrix giving the evaluation result for each element of the input argument str



This routine allows to evaluate Tcl/Tk instructions with the Tcl/Tk interpreter launched with Scilab (when the interp parameter is not given), or in a slave interpreter.

When Tcl/Tk support is enabled in Scilab, you can evaluate Tcl/Tk expression from Scilab interpreter. In fact, Scilab launches a main Tcl/Tk interpreter. The Scilab instruction TCL_EvalStr can be used to evaluate expressions without having to write Tcl/Tk instructions in a separated file (this capability is provided by TCL_EvalFile).

More information about Tcl/Tk:


//with one call
TCL_EvalStr(["toplevel .foo1"
             "label .foo1.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!"""
             "pack .foo1.l"
             "button .foo1.b -text close -command {destroy .foo1}"
             "pack .foo1.b"])

//step by step (debugging)
TCL_EvalStr("toplevel .foo2");

// creates a toplevel TK window.
TCL_EvalStr("label .foo2.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!""");

// create a static label
TCL_EvalStr("pack .foo2.l");

// pack the label widget. It appears on the screen.
text="button .foo2.b -text close -command {destroy .foo2}";
TCL_EvalStr("pack .foo2.b");

//kill the windows by program
TCL_EvalStr("destroy .foo1");
TCL_EvalStr("destroy .foo2");

//with one call, and in a slave interpreter
TCL_EvalStr('set test ""in Slave TCL Interp""','TCLSlave');


// return a result
res = TCL_EvalStr("expr 1+1")
res = TCL_EvalStr("tk_messageBox -message Hello -type okcancel")
res = TCL_EvalStr(["expr 4+5" "lsearch -all {a b c a b c} c" ; "list [list a b c] [list d e f] [list g h i]" "llength  {a b c d e}"])

See Also

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