Get ATOMS system parameters
result = atomsGetConfig(parameter)
:parameter single-string matrix : :result Value of the parameter :
Parameter Description Values useProxy Use/Don’t use proxies True/False proxyHost the hostname (IP or DNS name) proxyPort the port proxyUser Specify the username for authentication on a proxy server proxyPassword Specify the password for authentication on a proxy server
Parameter Description Values offline If set to “True”, the system only works with local repositories. The offline mode permits the user to install modules from a local repository or a local package (hard disk, USB keys, ...) even if the network is unreachable. In version prior to 5.4.0, this tag was called offLine. True/ False
Parameter Description Values autoload Enable/Disable autoload system True/False autoloadAddAfterInstall Automatically add a module to the list of module to autoload at Scilab start True/False
Parameter Description Values verbose Display or not extra-information True/ False downloadTool Get tool used for download “curl”, “wget” or “httpdownload” (Windows only) downloadTimeout Get timeout used for download “5” is the default value
atomsGetConfig returns the value of the parameter given
// Get value of verbose parameter
Version Description 5.4.0 offLine parameter renamed to offline .. _atomsSetConfig: atomsSetConfig.html