
Determines whether the module is installed. Returns true if the module is installed, false otherwise.

Calling Sequence

res = atomsIsInstalled(modules[,section])


modules mx1, mx2 Matrix of strings:
 1st Col. Technical name Mandatory 2nd Col. Version Optional If this field is empty or is not present, module’s version is ignored. 3rd Col. Section Optional If this field is empty or is not present, module’s section is ignored.

: :section This argument controls the list of searched modules. section is a single-string and its value should be :

  • “all”: atomsIsInstalled() searches external modules installed in both “user” and “allusers” sections.
  • “allusers”: atomsIsInstalled() searches external modules installed in the “allusers” section.
  • “user”: atomsIsInstalled() searches external modules installed in the “user” section.

The default value is “all”. : :res :




// Install the needed module for the purpose of the example

// simplest way

// Check several modules ...
atomsIsInstalled(["toolbox_5" "toolbox_4"])

// ... with a specific version
atomsIsInstalled(["toolbox_5" "1.0" ; "toolbox_4" "1.0" ; "toolbox_5" "1.1"])

// ... installed in a specific section
atomsIsInstalled(["toolbox_5" "1.0" ; "toolbox_4" "1.0" ; "toolbox_5" "1.1"],"user")
atomsIsInstalled(["toolbox_5" "1.0" ; "toolbox_4" "1.0" ; "toolbox_5" "1.1"],"allusers")

// Some cleaning ...

See Also

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