Modified Bessel functions of the first kind (I sub alpha).
Bessel functions of the first kind (J sub alpha).
Modified Bessel functions of the second kind (K sub alpha).
Bessel functions of the second kind (Y sub alpha).
Bessel functions of the third kind (aka Hankel functions)
y = besseli(alpha,x [,ice])
y = besselj(alpha,x [,ice])
y = besselk(alpha,x [,ice])
y = bessely(alpha,x [,ice])
y = besselh(alpha,x)
y = besselh(alpha,K,x [,ice])
:x real or complex vector. : :alpha real vector : :ice integer flag, with default value 0 : :K integer, with possible values 1 or 2, the Hankel function type. :
If alpha and x are arrays of the same size, the result y is also that size. If either input is a scalar, it is expanded to the other input’s size. If one input is a row vector and the other is a column vector, the result y is a two-dimensional table of function values.
Y_alpha and J_alpha Bessel functions are 2 independent solutions of the Bessel ‘s differential equation :
K_alpha and I_alpha modified Bessel functions are 2 independant solutions of the modified Bessel ‘s differential equation :
H^1_alpha and H^2_alpha, the Hankel functions of first and second kind, are linear linear combinations of Bessel functions of the first and second kinds:
// besselI functions
// ==================
x = `linspace`_(0.01,10,5000)';
`plot2d`_(x,`besseli`_(0:4,x), style=2:6)
`xtitle`_("Some modified Bessel functions of the first kind")
`plot2d`_(x,`besseli`_(0:4,x,1), style=2:6)
`xtitle`_("Some modified scaled Bessel functions of the first kind")
// besselJ functions
// =================
x = `linspace`_(0,40,5000)';
`plot2d`_(x,`besselj`_(0:4,x), style=2:6, leg="J0@J1@J2@J3@J4")
`xtitle`_("Some Bessel functions of the first kind")
// use the fact that J_(1/2)(x) = sqrt(2/(x pi)) sin(x)
// to compare the algorithm of besselj(0.5,x) with a more direct formula
x = `linspace`_(0.1,40,5000)';
y1 = `besselj`_(0.5, x);
y2 = `sqrt`_(2 ./(%pi*x)).*`sin`_(x);
er = `abs`_((y1-y2)./y2);
ind = `find`_(er < 0 & y2 ~= 0);
`plot2d`_(x(ind), er(ind), style=2, logflag="nl")
`xtitle`_("relative error between 2 formulae for besselj(0.5,x)")
// besselK functions
// =================
x = `linspace`_(0.01,10,5000)';
`plot2d`_(x,`besselk`_(0:4,x), style=0:4, rect=[0,0,6,10])
`xtitle`_("Some modified Bessel functions of the second kind")
`plot2d`_(x,`besselk`_(0:4,x,1), style=0:4, rect=[0,0,6,10])
`xtitle`_("Some modified scaled Bessel functions of the second kind")
// besselY functions
// =================
x = `linspace`_(0.1,40,5000)'; // Y Bessel functions are unbounded for x -> 0+
`plot2d`_(x,`bessely`_(0:4,x), style=0:4, rect=[0,-1.5,40,0.6])
`xtitle`_("Some Bessel functions of the second kind")
// besselH functions
// =================
x=-4:0.025:2; y=-1.5:0.025:1.5;
[X,Y] = `ndgrid`_(x,y);
H = besselh(0,1,X+%i*Y);
`xset`_("fpf"," ")
`xtitle`_("Level curves of |H1(0,z)|")
The source codes can be found in SCI/modules/special_functions/src/fortran/slatec and SCI/modules/special_functions/src/fortran
Slatec : dbesi.f, zbesi.f, dbesj.f, zbesj.f, dbesk.f, zbesk.f, dbesy.f, zbesy.f, zbesh.f
Drivers to extend definition area (Serge Steer INRIA): dbesig.f, zbesig.f, dbesjg.f, zbesjg.f, dbeskg.f, zbeskg.f, dbesyg.f, zbesyg.f, zbeshg.f