
bitwise OR

Calling Sequence

z = bitor(x,y)


:x : a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm hypermatrix
of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of unsigned integers (uint8, uint16 or uint32). Must contain positive integer values.
: :y : a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm
hypermatrix of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of unsigned integers (uint8, uint16 or uint32). Must contain positive integer values.
: :z : a m-by-n matrix of doubles or a m1-by-m2-by-...-by-mm
hypermatrix of doubles or a m-by-n matrix of integers.



Given x, y two positive integers, this function returns the decimal number whose the binary form is the OR of the binary representations of x and y.

x, y, z have the same size.


// '110000' : is the binary representation of 48
// '100101' : is the binary representation of 37
// '110101' : is the binary representation for the OR applied to the binary forms 48 and 37
// so the decimal number corresponding to the OR  applied to binary forms 48 and 37 is : 53

// Compute the bitwise OR of two matrices of doubles.

// Compute the bitwise OR of two matrices of doubles.
x = [0 1 0 1];
y = [0 0 1 1];
z = bitor(x, y)
expected = [0 1 1 1];

// Compute the bitwise OR of two matrices of integers.
x = `uint8`_([0 1 0 1]);
y = `uint8`_([0 0 1 1]);
z = bitor(x, y)

// The types of x and y cannot be mixed (error).
x = [0 1 0 1];
y = `uint8`_([0 0 1 1]);
// z = bitor(x, y)

//  13 is (01101)_2
//  27 is (11011)_2
//  OR is (11111)_2 which is 31.
bitor(`uint8`_(13), `uint8`_(27))
bitor(13, 27)

See Also

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