Scilab Objects, boolean variables and operators & | ~
A boolean variable is %T (for “true”) or %F (for “false”). These variables can be used to define matrices of booleans, with the usual syntax. Boolean matrices can be manipulated as ordinary matrices for elements extraction/insertion and concatenation. Note that other usual operations ( +, *, -, ^, etc) are undefined for booleans matrices. Тhree special operators are defined for boolean matrices:
:~b is the element-wise negation of boolean b (matrix). : :b1&b2 is the element-wise logical and of b1 and b2
: :b1|b2 is the element-wise logical or of b1 and b2 (matrices). : :Boolean variables can be used for indexing matrices or vectors. For
instance a([%T,%F,%T],:) returns the submatrix made of rows 1 and 3 of a. Boolean sparse matrices are supported.
a=1:5; a(a>2)