check if symbol loaded with dynamic link
[test, ilib] = c_link(routine_name)
test = c_link(routine_name,num)
:routine_name a character string : :num number of the shared library where routine_name is searched
(-1: default, last used)
c_link is a boolean function which checks if the routine routine_name is currently linked. This function returns a boolean value true or false. When used with two return values, the function c_link returns a boolean value in test and the number of the shared library which contains routine_name in ilib (when test is true).
if `haveacompiler`_() then
f1=['int ext1c(int *n, double *a, double *b, double *c)'
'{int k;'
' for (k = 0; k < *n; ++k) '
' c[k] = a[k] + b[k];'
' return(0);}'];
`mputl`_(f1, TMPDIR + '/fun1.c');
//creating the shared library (a gateway, a Makefile and a loader are
// load the shared library
`exec`_ loader.sce;
// show link
[test, ilib] = c_link('ext1c') // check if 'ext1c' symbol is linked in scilab (it returns %T, ilib equals to 0)
c_link('ext1c', -1) // check if 'ext1c' linked in scilab in current library (last used) (it returns %T)
c_link('ext1c', 0) // check in library (id eqs 0) if 'ext1c' is linked (it returns %T)
c_link('ext1c', 1) // 'ext1c' not in library with id = 1 (it returns %F)
c_link('toto') // returns %F 'toto' not linked to scilab (it returns %F)