
A function which performs conversion between binary and continuous representation

Calling Sequence

pop_out = coding_ga_binary(pop_in,direction,param)


:pop_in a list which contains all the individuals in the current
: :direction ‘code’ or ‘decode’. If direction == ‘code’ then we
perform a continuous to binary encoding. Else, we convert from binary to continuous.

: :param a parameter list.

  • ‘binary_length’: the number of bits by variables. If binary_length = 8 and the variable X is of dimension 2 then the binary code will be 16 bits length.
  • ‘minboun’: a vector of minimum bounds for the variable X.
  • ‘maxbound’: a vector of maximum bounds for the variable X.
: :pop_out the population coded to binary or decoded to continuous



  • This function allows to code or decode a population of individuals from (resp. to) continuous variables to (resp. from) binary.

See Also

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