Create a complex number.
: :c a n-by-m complex matrix of doubles, the complex number. :
c=complex(a) creates a complex number from its real part a and zero as the imaginary part.
c=complex(a,b) creates a complex number from its real part a and imaginary part b.
This function is a substitute for expressions such as a+%i*b, especially in cases where the complex arithmetic interferes with particular floating point numbers such as %inf or %nan.
In the following example, we create a complex number from its real and imaginary parts.
complex([1 2],[3 4])
If a only is specified, then the imaginary part is set to zero.
complex([1 2 3])
If a is a scalar and b is a matrix, then the result c has the same size as b. Similarily, if b is a scalar and a is a matrix, then the result c has the same size as a.
c = complex([1 2 3], 4)
c = complex(1, [2 3 4])
If a and b are two matrices with different sizes, an error is generated, as in the following session.
!--error 10000
complex: Incompatible input arguments #1 and #2: Same sizes expected.
at line 33 of function complex called by :
The purpose of the complex function is to manage IEEE floating point numbers such as Nans or Infinities. In the following example, we show that creating a complex number where the real and imaginary parts are complex is not straightforward if we use the complex arithmetic. This is because the product %i times %inf is evaluated as (0+%i) * (%inf+%i*0). This produces the intermediate expression 0*%inf, which is %nan.
ans =
Nan + Inf
The solution of this issue is to use the complex function.
ans =
Inf + Inf