copies a file
[status,message] = copyfile(source,destination)
source a character string: | |
a filename or a directory name. |
: :destination a character string: a directory name. :
copyfile(source,destination) copies the file or directory source (and subdirectories) to the file or directory destination.
If source is a directory, destination can not be a file. copyfile replaces existing files without warning.
[status, message] = copyfile(‘source’,’destination’) copies source to destination, returning the status and a message.
Whatever the operating system, if the copy succeeds, the status is 1 and the message is empty; if the copy fails, the status is 0 and the message is not empty.
The timestamp given to the destination file is identical to that taken from source file.
[status,message] = copyfile(SCI+"/etc/scilab.start",TMPDIR);