
DAE solver with zero crossing

Calling Sequence

[r,nn,[,hd]]=dasrt(x0,t0,t [,atol,[rtol]],res [,jac],ng, surf [,info] [,hd])


:x0 is either y0 ( ydot0 is estimated by dassl with zero as first estimate) or the matrix [y0 ydot0]. g(t,y0,ydot0) must be equal to zero. If you only know an estimate of ydot0 set info(7)=1.

:y0 a real column vector of initial conditions. : :ydot0 a real column vector of the time derivative of y at t0

(may be an estimate).


: :t0 a real number, it is the initial instant. : :t a real scalar or vector. Gives instants for which you want the

solution. Note that you can get solution at each dassl’s step point by setting info(2)=1.
: :nn a vector with two entries [times num] times is the value of
the time at which the surface is crossed, num is the number of the crossed surface.
: :atol, rtol real scalars or column vectors of same size as y.
atol, rtol give respectively absolute and relative error tolerances of solution. If vectors the tolerances are specified for each component of y.

: :res external (function or list or string). Computes the value of g(t,y,ydot). It may be :

  • A Scilab function. Its calling sequence must be [r,ires]=res(t,y,ydot) and res must return the residue r=g(t,y,ydot) and error flag ires. ires = 0 if res succeeds to compute r, =-1 if residue is locally not defined for (t,y,ydot), =-2 if parameters are out of admissible range.
  • A list. This form allows to pass parameters other than t,y,ydot to the function. It must be as follows:

where the calling sequence of the function `res` is now

  `res` still returns `r=g(t,y,ydot)` as a function of
  `(t,y,ydot,x1,x2,...)`. Warning: this form must not be used if there
  is no extra argument to pass to `the function.`
+ A string. It must refer to the name of a C or Fortran subroutine
  linked with Scilab. In C The calling sequence must be:
  void res(`double`_ *t, `double`_ y[], `double`_ yd[], `double`_ r[],
           `int`_ *ires, `double`_ rpar[], `int`_ ipar[])

In Fortran it must be:
  subroutine res(t,y,yd,r,ires,rpar,ipar)
  `double`_ precision t, y(*),yd(*),r(*),rpar(*)
  integer ires,ipar(*)

The `rpar` and `ipar` arrays must be present but cannot be used.

: :jac external (function or list or string). Computes the value of dg/dy+cj*dg/dydot for a given value of parameter cj.

  • A Scilab function. Its calling sequence must be r=jac(t,y,ydot,cj) and the jac function must return r=dg(t,y,ydot)/dy+cj*dg(t,y,ydot)/dydot where cj is a real scalar.
  • A list. It must be as follows

where the calling sequence of the function `jac` is now

  `jac` still returns `dg/dy+cj*dg/dydot` as a function of
+ A character string. It must refer to the name of a Fortran
  subroutine linked with scilab In C The calling sequence must be:
  void jac(`double`_ *t, `double`_ y[], `double`_ yd[], `double`_ pd[],
           `double`_ *cj, `double`_ rpar[], `int`_ ipar[])

In Fortran it must be:
subroutine jac(t,y,yd,pd,cj,rpar,ipar)
`double`_ precision t, y(*),yd(*),pd(*),cj,rpar(*)
integer ipar(*)

: :surf external (function or list or string). Computes the value of the column vector surf(t,y) with ng components. Each component defines a surface. It may be defined by:

  • A Scilab function. Its calling sequence must be surf(t,y)
  • A list. It must be as follows

where the calling sequence of the function `surf` is now

+ A character string. It must refer to the name of a Fortran
  subroutine linked with scilab. In C the calling sequence must be:
  void `surf`_(`int`_ *ny, `double`_ *t, `double`_ y[], `int`_ *ng, `double`_ gout[])

In Fortran it must be:
subroutine `surf`_(ny,t,y,ng,gout)
`double`_ precision t, y(*),gout(*)
integer ny,ng

: :info list which contains 7 elements. Default value is list([],0,[],[],[],0,0).

:info(1) real scalar which gives the maximum time for which g is
allowed to be evaluated or an empty matrix [] if no limits imposed for time.
: :info(2) flag which indicates if dassl returns its intermediate
computed values ( flag=1) or only the user specified time point values ( flag=0).
: :info(3) 2 components vector which give the definition [ml,mu]
of band matrix computed by jac; r(i - j + ml + mu + 1,j) = “dg(i)/dy(j)+cj*dg(i)/dydot(j)” .If jac returns a full matrix set info(3)=[].
: :info(4) real scalar which gives the maximum step size. Set
info(4)=[] if no limitation.
: :info(5) real scalar which gives the initial step size. Set
info(5)=[] if not specified.
: :info(6) set info(6)=1 if the solution is known to be non
negative, else set info(6)=0.
: :info(7) set info(7)=1 if ydot0 is just an estimation,
info(7)=0 if g(t0,y0,ydot0)=0.


: :hd real vector which allows to store the dassl context and to
resume integration.
: :r real matrix . Each column is the vector [t;x(t);xdot(t)] where
t is time index for which the solution had been computed.



Solution of the implicit differential equation.

y(t0)=y0  `and`_   ydot(t0)=ydot0

Returns the surface crossing instants and the number of the surface reached in nn.

Detailed examples can be found in SCIDIR/tests/unit_tests/dassldasrt.tst


//dy/dt = ((2*log(y)+8)/t -5)*y,  y(1) = 1,  1<=t<=6
//g1 = ((2*log(y)+8)/t - 5)*y
//g2 = log(y) - 2.2491


//(Should return nn=[2.4698972 2])

See Also

  • ode ordinary differential equation solver
  • dassl differential algebraic equation
  • impl differential algebraic equation
  • fort Fortran or C user routines call
  • link dynamic linker
  • external Scilab Object, external function or routine

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