
Parameter identification based on measured data

Calling Sequence

[p,err]=datafit([imp,] G [,DG],Z [,W],[contr],p0,[algo],[df0,[mem]],


:imp scalar argument used to set the trace mode. imp=0 nothing
(execpt errors) is reported, imp=1 initial and final reports, imp=2 adds a report per iteration, imp>2 add reports on linear search. Warning, most of these reports are written on the Scilab standard output.

: :G function descriptor (e=G(p,z), e: ne x 1, p: np x 1, z: nz x 1) : :DG partial of G wrt p function descriptor (optional; S=DG(p,z), S:

ne x np)

: :Z matrix [z_1,z_2,...z_n] where z_i (nz x 1) is the ith measurement : :W weighting matrix of size ne x ne (optional; defaut no

: :contr ‘b’,binf,bsup with binf and bsup real vectors with same
dimension as p0. binf and bsup are lower and upper bounds on p.

: :p0 initial guess (size np x 1) : :algo ‘qn’ or ‘gc’ or ‘nd’ . This string stands for quasi-

Newton (default), conjugate gradient or non-differentiable respectively. Note that ‘nd’ does not accept bounds on x ).
: :df0 real scalar. Guessed decreasing of f at first iteration. (
df0=1 is the default value).
: :mem : integer, number of variables used to approximate the Hessian,
( algo=’gc’ or ‘nd’). Default value is around 6.

: :stop sequence of optional parameters controlling the convergence of the algorithm. stop= ‘ar’,nap, [iter [,epsg [,epsf [,epsx]]]]

“ar” reserved keyword for stopping rule selection defined as follows:

: :nap maximum number of calls to fun allowed. : :iter maximum number of iterations allowed. : :epsg threshold on gradient norm. : :epsf threshold controlling decreasing of f : :epsx threshold controlling variation of x. This vector (possibly

matrix) of same size as x0 can be used to scale x.


: :”in” reserved keyword for initialization of parameters used when
fun in given as a Fortran routine (see below).

: :p Column vector, optimal solution found : :err scalar, least square error. :


datafit is used for fitting data to a model. For a given function G(p,z), this function finds the best vector of parameters p for approximating G(p,z_i)=0 for a set of measurement vectors z_i. Vector p is found by minimizing G(p,z_1)’WG(p,z_1)+G(p,z_2)’WG(p,z_2)+...+G(p,z_n)’WG(p,z_n)

datafit is an improved version of fit_dat.


//generate the data
function y=FF(x, p)
pg=[34;12;14] //parameter used to generate data
for x=0:.1:3

//The criterion function
function e=G(p, z),

//Solve the problem

`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,pg),5) //the curve without noise
`plot2d`_(X,Y,-1)  // the noisy data
`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,p),12) //the solution

//the gradient of the criterion function
function s=DG(p, z),

`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,pg),5) //the curve without noise
`plot2d`_(X,Y,-1)  // the noisy data
`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,p),12) //the solution

// Add some bounds on the estimate of the parameters
// We want positive estimation (the result will not change)
`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,pg),5) //the curve without noise
`plot2d`_(X,Y,-1)  // the noisy data
`plot2d`_(X,FF(X,p),12) //the solution

See Also

  • lsqrsolve minimize the sum of the squares of nonlinear functions, levenberg-marquardt algorithm
  • optim non-linear optimization routine
  • leastsq Solves non-linear least squares problems

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