a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
int deleteNamedVariable(void* _pvCtx, const char* _pstName)
: :_pstName Name of the variable. :
a C gateway function uses to delete a variable from name
fileData = ['#include ""api_scilab.h""'
'#include ""MALLOC.h""'
'int sci_deleteNamedVariable(char *fname, unsigned long fname_len)'
' SciErr sciErr;'
' int iRet = 0;'
' int* piAddr = NULL;'
' char* pstVarName = NULL;'
' CheckRhs(1,1);'
' CheckLhs(1,1);'
' sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr);'
' if(sciErr.iErr)'
' {'
' printError(&sciErr, 0);'
' return 1;'
' }'
' if(getAllocatedSingleString(pvApiCtx, piAddr, &pstVarName))'
' {'
' //error'
' return 1;'
' }'
' if(isNamedVarExist(pvApiCtx, pstVarName))'
' {'
' iRet = deleteNamedVariable(pvApiCtx, pstVarName);'
' }'
' createScalarBoolean(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, iRet);'
' AssignOutputVariable(1) = Rhs + 1;'
' return 0;'
currentPath = pwd();
`mkdir`_(TMPDIR + "/deleteNamedVariable");
`cd`_(TMPDIR + "/deleteNamedVariable");
`mputl`_(fileData, "deleteNamedVariable.c");
files = ['deleteNamedVariable.c'];
`ilib_build`_('libdeleteNamedVariable', ['deleteNamedVariable', 'sci_deleteNamedVariable'], files, []);
`exec`_ loader.sce;
function test()
`assert_checkequal`_(`exists`_("a"), 1);
`assert_checkequal`_(a, 1);
a = 2;
`assert_checkequal`_(a, 2);
`assert_checkequal`_(`exists`_("a"), 1);
`assert_checkequal`_(a, 1);
a = 1;
`assert_checkequal`_(a, 1);
`assert_checkequal`_(`exists`_("a"), 0);