
gets file list

Calling Sequence

dir path


:path a string matrix giving a directory pathname (eventually ended by
a pattern built with *). Default value is . (a dot)
: :S a tlist of type dir with fields : name, date, bytes and



dir can be used to get the files which match the patterns given by the path argument. Patterns are given to the Unix ls or to the Windows dir commands in order to get information about files. Thus in order to write portable Scilab script valid wildcard patterns for both OS are to be given. Note that pathname conversion is performed and for example SCI/modules/core/macros/*.sci is a valid pattern for both Unix and Windows.

The name field of the returned variable is the column vector of the file names.

The date field of the returned variable is the column vector of integers containing a last modification date coded in second from 1 Jan 1970.

The bytes field of the returned variable is the column vector of integers containing the size of the files in bytes.

The isdir field of the returned variable is the column vector of boolean true if the corresponding name is a directory.

The default display of the returned structure is a column formatted list of files. It can be changed redefining the function %dir_p.

Since Scilab 5.3.1, a trailing “/” or “” (See filesep) is displayed for each directory.


dir SCI/modules/core/macros/*.bin
`mprintf`_("%s: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",x.name,dt(:,[1 2 6 7:9]))

See Also

  • listfiles list of files
  • findfiles finding all files with a given file specification
  • ls shows files
  • fileinfo provides information about a file
  • date Current date as date string

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