table of error messages
This page gives the table of the predefined error messages, and their associated error number. Some of these error messages are used by Scilab itself for parser errors or specific builtin errors. Some others are of a more general use and can be used in Scilab functions. The starred one are those for which the syntax error(n,pos) is handled.
1 “Incorrect assignment.”
2 “Invalid factor.”
3 “Waiting for right parenthesis.”
4 “Undefined variable: %s”
5 “Inconsistent column/row dimensions.”
6 “Inconsistent row/column dimensions.”
7 “Dot cannot be used as modifier for this operator.”
8 “Inconsistent addition.”
9 “Inconsistent subtraction.”
10 “Inconsistent multiplication.”
11 “Inconsistent right division.”
12 “Inconsistent left division.”
13 “Redefining permanent variable.”
14 “Eye variable undefined in this context.”
15 “Submatrix incorrectly defined.”
16 “Incorrect command!”
17 “stack size exceeded! Use stacksize function to increase it.”
18 “Too many variables!”
19 “Problem is singular.”
21 “Invalid index.”
22 “Recursion problems. Sorry...”
23 “Matrix norms available are 1, 2, inf, and fro.”
24 “Convergence problem...”
25 “Bad call to primitive: %s”
26 “Too complex recursion! (recursion tables are full)”
27 “Division by zero...”
28 “Empty function...”
29 “Matrix is not positive definite.”
30 “Invalid exponent.”
31 “Incorrect string.”
32 “singularity of log or tan function”
33 “too many “”:”“”
34 “Incorrect control intruction syntax.”
34 “Syntax error in a ‘%s’ instruction.” (if,while,select/case)
38 “Wrong file name.”
39 “Incorrect number of input arguments.”
40 “Waiting for end of command.”
41 “Incompatible output argument.”
42 “Incompatible input argument.”
43 “Not implemented in scilab...”
46 “Incorrect syntax.”
47 ” end or else is missing...”
49 “Incorrect file or format.”
50 “subroutine not found: %s”
57 “Problem with comparison symbol...”
58 “Function has no input argument...”
59 “Function has no output.”
60 “Wrong size for argument: Incompatible dimensions.”
61 “Direct access : give format.”
64 “Integration fails.”
66 “No more logical units available!”
67 “Unknown file format.”
68 “Fatal error!!! Your variables have been saved in the file : %s”
69 “Floating point exception.”
70 “Too many arguments in fort (max 30).”
71 “This variable is not valid in fort.”
72 “%s is not valid in this context.”
73 “Error while linking.”
74 “Leading coefficient is zero.”
75 “Too high degree (max 100).”
77 “%s: Wrong number of input arguments.”
78 “%s: Wrong number of output arguments.”
79 “Indexing not allowed for output arguments of resume.”
80 “Incorrect function (argument n: %d).”
81 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real or complex matrix expected.”
82 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real matrix expected.”
83 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real vector expected.”
84 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Scalar expected.”
85 “Host does not answer...”
86 “Uncontrollable system.”
87 “Unobservable system.”
88 “sfact: singular or asymmetric problem.”
matrix form expected.”
98 “Variable returned by scilab argument function is incorrect.”
102 “Variable or function %s are not in file.”
103 “Variable %s is not a valid rational function.”
104 “Variable %s is not a valid state space representation.”
105 “Undefined function.”
106 “Function name already used.”
108 “Too complex for scilab, may be a too long control instruction.”
109 “Too large, can’t be displayed.”
110 “%s was a function when compiled but is now a primitive!”
111 “Trying to re-define function %s.”
112 “No more memory.”
113 “Too large string.”
114 “Too many linked routines.”
115 “Stack problem detected within a loop.”
120 “Indices for non-zero elements must be given by a 2 column matrix.”
121 “Incompatible indices for non-zero elements.”
123 “Function not bounded from below.”
125 “Problem may be unbounded: too high distance between two consecutive iterations.”
126 “Inconsistent constraints.”
127 “No feasible solution.”
128 “Degenerate starting point.”
129 “No feasible point has been found.”
130 “Optimization fails: back to initial point.”
131 “optim: Stop requested by simulator (ind=0)”
132 “optim: Wrong input parameters.”
133 “Too small memory.”
134 “optim: Problem with initial constants in simul.”
135 “optim : Bounds and initial guess are incompatible.”
136 “optim : This method is NOT implemented.”
137 “NO hot restart available in this method.”
138 “optim: Incorrect stopping parameters.”
139 “optim: Incorrect bounds.”
140 “Variable : %s must be a list”
143 “optim:: df0 must be positive !”
144 “Undefined operation for the given operands.”
201 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real or complex matrix expected.”
202 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real matrix expected.”
203 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Real vector expected.”
205 “%s: Wrong size for argument %d: (%d,%d) expected.”
206 “%s: Wrong size for argument %d: %d expected.”
207 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Matrix of strings expected.”
208 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Boolean matrix expected.”
209 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Matrix expected.”
210 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: List expected.”
211 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Function or string (external function) expected.”
212 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Polynomial expected.”
213 “%s: Wrong type for argument %d: Working integer matrix expected.”
214 “Argument %d of %s: wrong type argument, expecting a vector”
220 “Null variable cannot be used here.”
221 “A sparse matrix entry is defined with two differents values.”
222 “%s not yet implemented for full input parameter.”
223 “It is not possible to redefine the %s primitive this way (see clearfun).”
224 “Type data base is full.”
225 “This data type is already defined.”
226 “Inequality comparison with empty matrix.”
227 “Missing index.”
228 “reference to the cleared global variable %s.”
229 “Operands of / and \ operations must not contain NaN of Inf.”
230 “semi def fails.”
231 “Wrong type for first input argument: Single string expected.”
232 “Entry name not found.”
233 “Maximum number of dynamic interfaces reached.”
234 “link: expecting more than one argument.”
235 “link: problem with one of the entry point.”
236 “link: the shared archive was not loaded.”
237 “link: Only one entry point allowed on this operating system.”
238 “link: First argument cannot be a number.”
239 “You cannot link more functions, maxentry reached.”
240 “File ‘%s’ already exists or directory write access denied.”
241 “File ‘%s’ does not exist or read access denied.”
242 “Binary direct access files must be opened by ‘file’.”
243 “C file logical unit not allowed here.”
244 “Fortran file logical unit not allowed here.”
246 “function not defined for given argument type(s)”
247 “Wrong value for argument %d: the lu handle is no more valid.”
250 “Recursive extraction is not valid in this context.”
251 “bvode: ipar dimensioned at least 11.”
252 “bvode: ltol must be of size ipar(4).”
253 “bvode: fixpnt must be of size ipar(11).”
254 “bvode: ncomp < 20 requested.”
255 “bvode: m must be of size ncomp.”
256 “bvode: sum(m) must be less than 40.”
257 “bvode: sum(m) must be less than 40.”
258 “bvode: input data error.”
259 “bvode: no. of subintervals exceeds storage.”
260 “bvode: Th colocation matrix is singular.”
261 “Interface property table is full.”
263 “Error while writing in file,(disk full or deleted file.”
265 “A and B must have equal number of rows.”
266 “A and B must have equal number of columns.”
267 “A and B must have equal dimensions.”
real parts.”
than one.”
272 “endfunction is missing.”
273 “Instruction left hand side: waiting for a dot or a left parenthesis.”
274 “Instruction left hand side: waiting for a name.”
275 “varargout keyword cannot be used here.”
276 “Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.”
277 “Too many commands defined.”
278 “%s: Input arguments should have the same formal variable name.”