Launch the examples found in help pages.
example_run(moduleNames, functionNames)
example_run(moduleNames, functionNames, language)
example_run(moduleNames, functionNames, language, testrunOptions, testrunExportToFile)
moduleNames a string or a string vector: | |
the name(s) of the modules to test. Default value is the value returned by `getmodules()`_. |
: :testrunOptions Used as third input argument for `test_run`_. : :testrunExportToFile Used as forth input argument for `test_run`_. :
This function extracts the examples given in help pages and run them using `test_run`_.
example_run("core", "argn")
example_run("core", ["argn"; "mode"])
example_run("core", "argn", "en_US")
Version Description 5.4.0 Function example_run introduced. .. _test_run: test_run.html .. _getmodules(): getmodules.html