
multiple evaluation

Calling Sequence



:x,y two vectors : :f a function or a character string (for Fortran or C call) :


Multiple evaluation of a function for one or two arguments of vector type :

:z=feval(x,f) returns the vector z defined by z(i)=f(x(i)) : :z=feval(x,y,f) returns the matrix z such as z(i,j)=f(x(i),y(j)) :

f is an external (function or routine) accepting on one or two arguments which are supposed to be real. The result returned by f can be real or complex. In case of a Fortran call, the function f must be defined in the subroutine fevaltable.c (in directory SCI/modules/differential_equations/src/c).


feval(1:10,1:5,'parab')   //See ffeval.f file
// For dynamic link (see example ftest in ffeval.f)
// you can use the link command (the parameters depend on the machine):
// unix('make ftest.o');link('ftest.o','ftest'); feval(1:10,1:5,'ftest')

See Also

  • evstr evaluation of expressions
  • horner polynomial/rational evaluation
  • execstr execute Scilab code in strings
  • external Scilab Object, external function or routine
  • link dynamic linker

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