
builds a full filename from parts

Calling Sequence

f = fullfile(varargin)


:varargin character strings, all directories and filename used to
build the full filename (at least one directory and filename).

: :f a character string or matrix of strings, full filename. :


f= fullfile(varargin) builds a full filename taking care of platform on which it is run and handling the cases when the directories begin or end with a directory separator.


f = fullfile("/home/", "\scilab", "macros", "\util", "fullfile.sci")
f = fullfile("C:", "\scilab", "macros", "\util", "fullfile.sci")
r = fullfile("/home/","\scilab","macros","\util", ["fullfile.sci"; "toto.sci"])

See Also

  • pathconvert pathnames convertion between POSIX and windows.
  • fileparts returns the path, filename and extension for a file path

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