
Scilab Graphic Editor

Calling Sequence

ged(action, fignum)


action Real:action to be executed on graphic window given by


  • 1: Select window fignum as current figure.
  • 2: Redraw window fignum.
  • 3: Clear window fignum.
  • 4: Ask the user to select a graphic entity to copy.
  • 5: Paste last graphic entity copied using action 4.
  • 6: Ask the user to select a graphic entity and then move it.
  • 7: Ask the user to select the graphic entity to delete.
  • 8: Start a GUI to edit window properties.
  • 9: Start a GUI to edit current axes properties.
  • 10: Start an entity picker to select a graphic object and edit it using Graphic Editor GUI.
  • 11: Stop the entity picker.

: :fignum Real: Graphic window number, the figure to edit. :


ged starts Scilab Graphic Editor on figure number fignum and execute action given by action.


// Moving a curve
ged(6,0) // Then click on a curve and try moving it

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