
Retrieve a property value from a graphics entity or an User Interface object.

Calling Sequence



:h handle, the handle of the entity to retrieve a property. h can be
a vector of handles, in which case get returns the property value for all objects contained in h. h can also be 0 to get the root object properties.

: :prop character string name of the property. : :val value of the property. :


This routine can be used to retrieve the value of a specified property from a graphics entity or a GUI object. In this case it is equivalent to use the dot operator on a handle. For exemple, get(h,”background”) is equivalent to h.background.

Property names are character strings. To get the list of all existing properties see graphics_entities or uicontrol for User Interface objects.

get function can be also called with only a property as argument. In this case, the property must be one of the following:

:current_entity or hdl returns a handle on the lastly created (and
still existent) entity. get(‘current_entity’) and get(‘hdl’) are equivalent to gce.
: :current_figure returns a handle on the current graphic figure.
get(‘current_figure’) is equivalent to gcf.
: :current_axes returns a handle on the current axes entity.
get(‘current_axes’) is equivalent to gca.
: :default_figure returns a handle on the default figure entity.
get(‘default_figure’) is equivalent to gdf.
: :default_axes returns a handle on the default axes entity.
get(‘default_axes’) is equivalent to gda.
: :figures_id returns a row vector containing ids of all opened
graphic figures. get(‘figures_id’) is equivalent to winsid.



// for graphics entities

// simple graphics objects
`xstring`_(0.2,.9,"Example <<A CAR>>");

h=get("current_entity") //get the newly object created

f=get("current_figure") //get the current figure
f.figure_size=[700 500];

a=get("current_axes") //get the current axes
a.children.foreground //get the foreground color of a set of graphics objects

// for  User Interface objects
h=`uicontrol`_('string', 'Button'); // Opens a window with a  button.
p=get(h,'position'); // get the geometric aspect of the button
`disp`_('Button width: ' + `string`_(p(3))); // print the width of the button
`close`_(); // close figure

See Also

  • uicontrol create a Graphic User Interface object
  • root_properties description of the root object properties.
  • graphics_entities description of the graphics entities data structures
  • set set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.

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