
get scilab and modules version information

Calling Sequence

version = getversion()
[version, opts] = getversion()
version_numbers = getversion('scilab')
versioninfo = getversion('scilab', 'string_info')
version_numbers = getversion('<module>')
versioninfo = getversion('<module>','string_info')


:version a string : :versioninfo a string about version : :version_numbers an integer vector ver(1) Major version ver(2) Minor

version ver(3) Maintenance version ver(4) GIT timestamp
: :opts a vector of string: `[compiler, architecture,[tk, modelicac, ]
release_mode, release_date, release_time]`



[version, opts] = getversion() returns in version the Scilab version name and in opts build options which can be used to determine if scilab has been build with tk or modelicac and gives release date and time.

[tk, modelicac, atlas,] are optional.

compiler: returns compiler used to build scilab (‘GCC’, ‘VC++’, ‘PGI’, ‘ICC’, ‘SUN’, ‘UKN’ unknown)

architecture: ‘x86’ or ‘x64’.

tk: ‘tk’ if tcl/tk is enabled.

modelicac: ‘modelicac’ if modelica compiler is distributed with scilab/xcos.



[version, opts] = getversion()
COMPILER = opts(1)
ARCH = opts(2)
`or`_(opts == 'modelicac')
`or`_(opts == 'tk')
RELEASE_MODE = opts($-2)
RELEASE_DATE = opts($-1)
RELEASE_TIME = opts($)

version = getversion('scilab')
versionstr = getversion('scilab','string_info')
version = getversion('overloading')
versionstr = getversion('overloading','string_info')

See Also

  • getmodules returns list of modules installed in Scilab

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