
plot a histogram

Calling Sequence

histplot(n, data, <opt_args>)
histplot(x, data, <opt_args>)


:n positive integer (number of classes) : :x increasing vector defining the classes ( x may have at least 2


: :data vector (data to be analysed) : :<opt_args> This represents a sequence of statements

key1=value1,key2=value2 ,... where key1, key2,... can be any optional plot2d parameter ( style,strf,leg, rect,nax, logflag,frameflag, axesflag )or normalization. For this last one the corresponding value must be a boolean scalar (default value %t).



This function plot a histogram of the data vector using the classes x. When the number n of classes is provided instead of x, the classes are chosen equally spaced and x(1) = min(data) < x(2) = x(1) + dx < ... < x(n+1) = max(data) with dx = (x(n+1)-x(1))/n.

The classes are defined by C1 = [x(1), x(2)] and Ci = ( x(i), x(i+1)] for i >= 2. Noting Nmax the total number of data (Nmax = length(data)) and Ni the number of data components falling in Ci, the value of the histogram for x in Ci is equal to Ni/(Nmax (x(i+1)-x(i))) when normalization is true (default case) and else, simply equal to Ni. When normalization occurs the histogram verifies:

when x(1)<=min(data) and max(data) <= x(n+1)

Any plot2d (optional) parameter may be provided; for instance to plot a histogram with the color number 2 (blue if std colormap is used) and to restrict the plot inside the rectangle [-3,3]x[0,0.5], you may use histplot(n,data, style=2, rect=[-3,0,3,0.5]).

Enter the command histplot() to see a demo.



  • Example #1: variations around a histogram of a gaussian random sample
d=`rand`_(1,10000,'normal');  // the gaussian random sample
`clf`_();histplot(20,d,leg='rand(1,10000,''normal'')',style=16, rect=[-3,0,3,0.5]);
  • Example #2: histogram of a binomial (B(6,0.5)) random sample
d = `grand`_(1000,1,"bin", 6, 0.5);
c = `linspace`_(-0.5,6.5,8);
histplot(c, d, style=2)
`xtitle`_("normalized histogram")
histplot(c, d, normalization=%f, style=5)
`xtitle`_("non normalized histogram")
  • Example #3: histogram of an exponential random sample
lambda = 2;
X = `grand`_(100000,1,"exp", 1/lambda);
Xmax = `max`_(X);
histplot(40, X, style=2)
x = `linspace`_(0,`max`_(Xmax),100)';
`legend`_(["exponential random sample histogram" "exact density curve"]);

See Also

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