How to make hyperlink in toolbox help pointing to Scilab’s items
Since Scilab 5.3.1, the hyperlinks in a toolbox help can be used to point on any help pages or to execute demos in the console.
Now you can link a demo Uicontrol demo or execute a script about.sce
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<refentry version="5.0-subset Scilab"
<refnamediv xml:id="foo">
<refpurpose>calculates foo</refpurpose>
<!-- Link on Scilab's help -->
<para>Firstly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="">bvode</link> in the Scilab Doc</para>
<!-- Link on a demo, foodemo must be in toolbox_path/demos/ -->
<para>Secondly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.demos/foodemo">My demo</link></para>
<!-- the executed macro will be toolbox_path/macros/fooexec.sce -->
<para>Thirdly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="mytoolbox.exec/macros/fooexec.sce">macros/fooexec.sce</link></para>
<!-- a link for erroneous links -->
<para>Fourthly a link on <link type="scilab" linkend="">invalid link</link></para>
<programlisting role="example">
plot3d() // should link on plot3d