
Check wether a set of graphic handles is still valid.

Calling Sequence

isValid = is_handle_valid(h)


:h Matrix of graphic handles : :isValid Matrix of boolean with the same size as h :


is_handle_valid function tests wether a set of graphic handle is still valid. A valid handle is a handle which has not been deleted. The result, isValid, is a boolean matrix such as isValid(i,j) is true if h(i,j) is valid and false otherwise.


// check that current objects are valid
is_handle_valid([`gcf`_(), `gca`_(), `gce`_()])

// create 11 polylines
`plot`_([0:10; 0:10; 0:10], [0:10; 0:0.5:5; 0:2:20]);

// check polylines validity
axes = `gca`_();
polylines = axes.children(1).children

// delete some polylines
// print validity

See Also

  • delete delete a graphic entity and its children.
  • graphics_entities description of the graphics entities data structures

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