javasci v1 limitations

Why javasci v1 is now deprecated ?


The version V1 of javasci has some important limitations:

  • To retrieve any variable from the Scilab language, knowing the type of the variable is mandatory a priori.
  • Only a few types are managed by the interface (boolean, double, complex and string).
  • Lack of consistency between Scilab and Java. For example, in Scilab, a scalar (matrix of [1,1]) is a matrix. In the Java interface, there are two different datatypes (example: SciDouble and SciDoubleArray).
  • There is no serialization possible on most of the datatype.
  • Calling a Scilab function can be done only with the Exec method and increases the complexity of the retrieval of multiple output arguments.
  • The package name does not follow the package naming rules of Scilab and the Scilab Java checkstyle.
  • Hard to manage graphics windows (this problem is not addressed yet in Javasci v2)
  • No interaction with the event loop (this problem is not addressed yet in Javasci v2)
  • Cannot manage several instances of Scilab (this problem is not addressed yet in Javasci v2)

See Also


Version Description 5.4.0 Javasci v1 is removed. .. _Javasci FAQ: javasci_faq_v2.html .. _Compile and run with Javasci: compile_and_run_javasci_v2.html .. _the documentation of Javasci v2.:

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