
Kronecker form of matrix pencil

Calling Sequence



:F real matrix pencil F=s*E-A : :E,A two real matrices of same dimensions : :Q,Z two square orthogonal matrices : :Qd,Zd two vectors of integers : :numbeps,numeta two vectors of integers :


Kronecker form of matrix pencil: kroneck computes two orthogonal matrices Q, Z which put the pencil F=s*E -A into upper-triangular form:

| sE(eps)-A(eps) |        X       |      X     |      X        |
|        O       | sE(inf)-A(inf) |      X     |      X        |
Q(sE-A)Z = |---------------------------------|----------------------------|
|                |                |            |               |
|        0       |       0        | sE(f)-A(f) |      X        |
|                |                |            |               |
|        0       |       0        |      0     | sE(eta)-A(eta)|

The dimensions of the four blocks are given by:

eps=Qd(1) x Zd(1), inf=Qd(2) x Zd(2), f = Qd(3) x Zd(3), eta=Qd(4)xZd(4)

The inf block contains the infinite modes of the pencil.

The f block contains the finite modes of the pencil

The structure of epsilon and eta blocks are given by:

numbeps(1) = # of eps blocks of size 0 x 1

numbeps(2) = # of eps blocks of size 1 x 2

numbeps(3) = # of eps blocks of size 2 x 3 etc...

numbeta(1) = # of eta blocks of size 1 x 0

numbeta(2) = # of eta blocks of size 2 x 1

numbeta(3) = # of eta blocks of size 3 x 2 etc...

The code is taken from T. Beelen (Slicot-WGS group).


//random pencil with eps1=1,eps2=1,eps3=1; 2 J-blocks @ infty
//with dimensions 2 and 3
//3 finite eigenvalues at -1,3,1 and eta1=0,eta2=3
[Qd(1),Zd(1)]    //eps. part is sum(epsi) x (sum(epsi) + number of epsi)
[Qd(2),Zd(2)]    //infinity part
[Qd(3),Zd(3)]    //finite part
[Qd(4),Zd(4)]    //eta part is (sum(etai) + number(eta1)) x sum(etai)

See Also

  • gschur generalized Schur form (obsolete).
  • gspec eigenvalues of matrix pencil (obsolete)
  • systmat system matrix
  • pencan canonical form of matrix pencil
  • randpencil random pencil
  • trzeros transmission zeros and normal rank

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