close (Matlab function)

Delete specified figure

Matlab/Scilab equivalent

Matlab Scilab

`close`_ - xdel - delete

Particular cases

:close If current figure is a uicontrol one, Scilab and Matlab
close are equivalent. But if current figure is a graphic window, Scilab equivalent for Matlab close is delete(gcf()).
: :close(h) If h is a uicontrol figure, Scilab and Matlab
close(h) are equivalent. But if h is a graphic window, Scilab equivalent for Matlab close(h) is delete(h).
: :close(‘all’) Scilab equivalent for Matlab close(‘all’) is
: :close(name) There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab
close(name) however, mtlb_close can be an equivalent.
: :close(‘all’,’hidden’) Scilab equivalent for Matlab
close(‘all’,’hidden’) is xdel(winsid()) but Scilab kills all figures even if they are hidden.


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