sort (Matlab function)
Sort elements in ascending order
Matlab/Scilab equivalent
Matlab Scilab
Particular cases
Scilab sort and Matlab sort are different functions !
For character string inputs, please use better mtlb_sort in
- :B = sort(A) Scilab gsort can be used as an equivalent for Matlab
- sort giving it the good inputs. If A is a vector, call
gsort(A,”g”,”i”). If A is a matrix then call
gsort(A,”r”,”i”). Note that gsort does not work with
multidimensional arrays.
- : :B = sort(A,dim) If in Matlab, dim is 1 (respectively 2)
- then replace it by “r” (respectively “c”) in Scilab when
calling gsort(A,dim,”i”). Note that gsort does not work with
multidimensional arrays.