mean absolute deviation
s2=mad(x,'r') or s2=mad(x,1)
s2=mad(x,'c') or s2=mad(x,2)
:x real or complex vector or matrix :
This function computes the mean absolute deviation of a real or complex vector or matrix x.
For a vector or matrix x, s2=mad(x) returns in scalar s2 the mean absolute deviation of all the entries of x.
s2=mad(x,’r’) (or, equivalently, s2=mad(x,1)) returns in each entry of the column vector s2 the mean absolute deviation of each column of x.
s2=mad(x,’c’) (or, equivalently, s2=mad(x,2)) returns in each entry of the column vector s2 the mean absolute deviation of each row of x.
Reference: Wonacott T.H.& Wonacott R.J. .- Introductory Statistics, 5th edition, John Wiley, 1990.