sends a command string to an MCI device (Windows only)
:mcistring a command string to send to an MCI device : :bOK returns %T or %F : :CodeError returns error code (0 –> if bOK == %T) : :StringError returns MCI interpreter message (‘OK’ –> if bOK == %T) :
The mciSendString primitive sends a command string to an MCI device. The device that the command is sent to is specified in the command string.
see on and search “Windows Multimedia SDK open”
mcisendstring("open ""d:\audio.mp3"" type MPEGVideo alias MP3_Device")
mcisendstring("play MP3_Device")
mcisendstring("close MP3_Device")
mcisendstring("open ""d:\video.avi"" type avivideo alias AVI_Device")
mcisendstring("play AVI_Device from 0")
mcisendstring("close AVI_Device")