tests the file access errors indicator
err = merror([fd])
[err, msg] = merror([fd])
fd a scalar: | the fd parameter returned by the function mopen is used as a file descriptor (it’s a positive integer). -1 stands for last opened file. The default value is -1. |
: :msg a string: an error string message. :
The function merror is used to test the file access errors indicator returning non-zero if it is set. The error indicator can only be reset by the mclearerr function.
A nonzero err indicates that an error occurred in the most recent file I/O operation. The value of message is a string that can contain information about the nature of the error. If the message is not helpful, consult the C run-time library manual for your host operating system for further details.
fd = `mopen`_(TMPDIR +'/filetxt.txt','wt');
[err,msg] = merror(fd)
if (err <> 0) then