Open a message box.
[btn] = messagebox(msg)
[btn] = messagebox(msg, msgboxtitle)
[btn] = messagebox(msg, msgboxtitle, msgboxicon)
[btn] = messagebox(msg, msgboxtitle, msgboxicon)
[btn] = messagebox(msg, msgboxtitle, msgboxicon, buttons)
[btn] = messagebox(msg, msgboxtitle, msgboxicon, buttons, ismodal)
msg Matrix of strings: | |
the message box displays each entry of this matrix (one entry per line). |
: :msgboxicon String: the name of the icon to be displayed in the message box, its possible values are:
- “error”
- “hourglass”
- “info”
- “passwd”
- “question”
- “warning”
- “scilab”: default icon
Creates a dialog window to display a message waiting or not for a user action.
// Simple example
messagebox("Single line message")
// Multi line message with title
messagebox(["Multi-line" "message"], "User defined title")
// Icon specified by th euser
messagebox("An error message", "Error", "error")
// Buttons labels + "modal" replaces title
messagebox("Have you seen this beautiful message", "modal", "info", ["Yes" "No"])
// "modal" given as fifth input argument
messagebox("An error message", "Error", "error", ["Continue" "Stop"], "modal")