
pause mode, invoke keyboard


Switch to the pause mode; inserted in the code of a function, pause interrupts the execution of the function: one receives a prompt symbol which indicates the level of the pause (e.g. -1->). The user is then in a new workspace in which all the lower-level variables (and in particular all the variable of the function) are available. To return to the calling workspace enter “return”.

In this mode, [...]=return(...) returns the variables of the argument (...) to the calling workspace with names in the output [...]. Otherwise, the lower-level variables are protected and cannot be modified.

The pause is extremely useful for debugging purposes.

This mode is killed by the command “abort”.

See Also

  • halt stop execution
  • return return or resume execution and copy some local variables
  • abort interrupt evaluation.
  • quit Terminates Scilab or decreases the pause level
  • whereami display current instruction calling tree
  • where get current instruction calling tree
  • sleep suspend Scilab

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