Markovian representation
:hk hankel matrix : :d dimension of the observation : :r desired dimension of the state vector for the approximated model : :H, F, G relevant matrices of the Markovian model :
Function which computes the matrices H, F, G of a Markovian representation by the principal hankel component approximation method, from the hankel matrix built from the covariance sequence of a stochastic process.
//This example may usefully be compared with the results from
//the 'levin' macro (see the corresponding help and example)
//We consider the process defined by two sinusoids (1Hz and 2 Hz)
//in additive Gaussian noise (this is the observation);
//the simulated process is sampled at 10 Hz.
//covariance of y
//hankel matrix from the covariance sequence
//(we can choose to take more information from covariance
//by taking greater n and m; try it to compare the results !
//compute the Markov representation (mh,mf,mg)
//We just take here a state dimension equal to 4 :
//this is the rather difficult problem of estimating the order !
//Try varying ns !
//(the observation dimension is here equal to one)
//verify that the spectrum of mf contains the
//frequency spectrum of the observed process y
//(remember that y is sampled -in our example
//at 10Hz (T=0.1s) so that we need
//to retrieve the original frequencies through the log
//and correct scaling by the frequency sampling)
//now we get the estimated spectrum