
2D plot (logarithmic axes) (obsolete)

Calling Sequence



:str is a string of length three “abc”.
a can have the following values:

e, o or g. :e means “empty”. Itspecifies the fact that the value of x is not

used (the x values are supposed to be regularly spaced, ie 1:<number of rows of y>). The user must anyway give a value for x, 1 for instance: plot2d1(“enn”,1,y).

: :o means “one”. If there are many curves, they all have the same

x-values: x is a column vector of size nl and y is a matrix of size (nl,nc). For example : x=[0:0.1:2*%pi]’;plot2d1(“onn”,x,[sin(x) cos(x)]).

: :g means “general”. x and y must have the same size (nl,nc).

Each column of y is plotted with respect to the corresponding column of x. nc curves are plotted using nl points.


: :b, c can have the values n (normal) or l (logarithmic).
:b=l a logarithmic axis is used on the x-axis : :c=l a logarithmic axis is used on the y-axis :


: :x,y,[style,strf,leg,rect,nax] these arguments have the same meaning
as in the plot2d function.
: :opt_args these arguments have the same meaning as in the plot2d



This function is obsolete. USE plot2d INSTEAD !!

plot2d1 plots a set of 2D curves. It is the same as plot2d but with one more argument str which enables logarithmic axis. Moreover, it allows to specify only one column vector for x when it is the same for all the curves.

By default, successive plots are superposed. To clear the previous plot, use clf.

Enter the command plot2d1() to see a demo.



// multiple plot without giving x
plot2d1("enn",1,[`sin`_(x) `sin`_(2*x) `sin`_(3*x)])
// multiple plot using only one x
plot2d1("onn",x,[`sin`_(x) `sin`_(2*x) `sin`_(3*x)])
// logarithmic plot
x=[0.1:0.1:3]'; `clf`_()
plot2d1("oll",x,[`exp`_(x) `exp`_(x^2) `exp`_(x^3)])

See Also

  • plot2d 2D plot
  • plot2d2 2D plot (step function)
  • plot2d3 2D plot (vertical bars)
  • plot2d4 2D plot (arrows style)
  • clf clear or reset the current graphic figure (window) to default values

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