polynomial definition
p=poly(a,vname, ["flag"])
:a matrix or real number : :vname String, the symbolic variable name. If the string have more
than 4 characters only the first 4 are taken into account.
: :”flag” string (“roots”, “coeff”), default value is “roots”. :
: :If v is a vector,
- poly(v,”x”,[“roots”]) is the polynomial with roots the entries of v and “x” as formal variable. (In this case, roots and poly are inverse functions). Note that Infinite roots gives zero highest degree coefficients.
- poly(v,”x”,”coeff”) creates the polynomial with symbol “x” and with coefficients the entries of v ( v(1) is the constant term of the polynomial). (Here poly and coeff are inverse functions).
s=poly(0,”s”) is the seed for defining polynomials with symbol “s”.
//rational fractions