
range (span) of A^k

Calling Sequence



:A real square matrix : :k integer : :X orthonormal real matrix : :dim integer (dimension of subspace) :


Computation of Range A^k ; the first dim rows of X span the range of A^k. The last rows of X span the orthogonal complement of the range. X*X’ is the Identity matrix


A=`rand`_(4,2)*`rand`_(2,4);   // 4 column vectors, 2 independent.
[X,dim]=range(A,1);dim   // compute the range

y1=A*`rand`_(4,1);          //a vector which is in the range of A
y2=`rand`_(4,1);            //a vector which is not  in the range of A
`norm`_(X(dim+1:$,:)*y1)    //the last entries are zeros, y1 is in the range of A
`norm`_(X(dim+1:$,:)*y2)    //the last entries are not zeros

I=X(1:dim,:)'            //I is a basis of the range
coeffs=X(1:dim,:)*y1     // components of y1 relative to the I basis

`norm`_(I*coeffs-y1)        //check

See Also

  • fullrfk full rank factorization of A^k
  • rowcomp row compression, range

Used Functions

The range function is based on the rowcomp function which uses the svd decomposition.

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