
reads an Excel file

Calling Sequence

sheets = readxls(file_path)


file_path a character string:
 the path of the Excel file.

: :sheets an mlist of type xls, with one field named sheets :


Given an Excel file path this function returns an mlist data structure of type xls, with one field named sheets. The sheets field itself contains a list of sheet data structure.

sheet=mlist([‘xlssheet’,’name’,’text’,’value’],sheetname,Text,Value) where sheetname is a character string containing the name of the sheet, Text is a matrix of string which contains the cell’s strings and Value is a matrix of numbers which contains the cell’s values.

Only BIFF8 Excel files (last Excel file version (2003)) are handled.


Sheets = readxls('SCI/modules/spreadsheet/demos/xls/t1.xls')
// some basic operations on Sheets
s1=Sheets(1) //get the first sheet
s1.value //get the first sheet value field
s1.text  //get the first sheet text field
s1(2,:)  //get the 2 row of the sheet


See Also

  • xls_open opens an Excel file for reading
  • xls_read reads a sheet in an Excel file

Used Functions

This function is based on the Scilab functions xls_open and xls_read.

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