Move handles inside the graphic hierarchy.
relocate_handle( movedHandles, parent )
:movedHandles Vector of relocated handles. : :parent New parent of the handles. :
The relocate_handle function allows to move handles from their current locations in the graphical hierarchy to another. All the moved entities are relocated under the same parent handle specified with the parent parameter.
Since not every handles are compatible with each others, some restrictions exist when relocationg handles. For examples, it is not allowed to move an axes handle under a polyline. More information about compatibility can be found in the graphics_entities page.
This routine is particularly useful to move an object from an axes entity to an other or to move axes from figures handles.
x = 0:10 ;
// plot a first polyline
`plot`_(x,x^2) ;
axes1 = `gca`_() ;
poly1 = `gce`_() ;
// plot a second in an other window
`scf`_() ;
`plot`_( x,x ) ;
axes2 = `gca`_() ;
poly2 = `gce`_() ;
poly2bis = `copy`_( poly2 ) ; // make a copy of the polyline
// put both polyline in the same window
relocate_handle( poly2bis, axes1 ) ;