redraw the current graphics window with new boundaries
:rect row vector of size 4. : :handle optional argument. Graphics handle(s) of type Axes to select
one or several given Axes.
replot is used to redraw the content of the current graphics window with new boundaries defined by rect=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]. Under old graphics syntax, it works only with the driver “Rec”.
This transformation can be applied to specific axes given by Axes graphics handles via the handle argument. If handle is not specified, the new boundaries are applied to the current axes of the current figure. The transformation changes the data_bounds value of those axes. Note that the axes property tight_limits must also be set to “on” to strictly select those bounds (see axes_properties). ``
// First Example
// Second Example
`plot`_() // plot demo
replot([-1,-1,10,2],f.children(1)) // specify axes handle's value