Replicate and tile an array
:A input 2D array. : :m, n, ... integers, number of A blocks for each dimension of B. : :siz vector of integer, each element gives the number of A blocks
for corresponding dimension of B.
: :B resulting array form by tiling the A 2D array. :
repmat(A,m,n) or similarily repmat(A,[m,n]) returns a large matrix consisting of an m-by- n tiling of copies of A. The size of the result is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N].
repmat(A,m) creates an m-by- `m`tiling.
repmat(A,[m n p ...]) tiles the array A to produce a multidimensional array composed of copies of A. The size of the result is [size(A,1)*M, size(A,2)*N, size(A,3)*P, ...].
For now,only arrays of real, integer, boolean, character string, polynomial and rational as well as sparse matrices are supported. This function definition can be extended using overloading mechanism.
repmat(`int8`_([1 0 1;0 1 0]),2,3,2)
Version Description 5.3.1 Function repmat introduced. .. _extraction: extraction.html .. _size: size.html .. _matrix: matrix.html