Main script to start Scilab and miscellaneous tools (GNU/Linux, Unix and Mac OS X)
scilab <Options>
scilab-adv-cli <Options>
scilab-cli <Options>
: :-e Instruction If this option is present then Scilab instruction Instruction is executed first (just after startup file execution) into Scilab. -e and -f options are mutually exclusive. Note that several instructions can be used in with -e.
scilab-cli -e "a=1+%i; aPlusPi=a+%pi; disp(aPlusPi);exit;" -nb
: :-l lang If this option is present it fixes the user language. lang can be: ca_ES de_DE en_US es_ES fr_FR ja_JP pt_BR ru_RU zh_CN zh_TW (from Scilab 5.2). Other possible lang values are ‘fr’ for french and ‘en’ for english for compatibility reasons. The default language is english. This default value is fixed the scilab.start file. On some systems, locales must be compiled to render correctly UTF-8 fonts. Scilab can be also called the following way:
LANG=ja_JP scilab
# equivalent to
scilab -l ja_JP
: :-nw If this option is present, Scilab is started as command line with advanced features still available (graphics, export, xcos, scinotes, help browser, ...). This option may be used with -f or -e options. From Scilab 5.2:
- Scilab distribution also provides a dedicated binary which is doing the same as -nw: scilab-adv-cli (Scilab Advanced Command Line Interpreter).
- pipes are enabled for all operating systems (see the examples for further details).
: :-nwni / -nogui If this option is present, Scilab is started as command line without advanced features (graphics, export, xcos, scinotes, help browser, ...). This option may be used with -f or -e options. From Scilab 5.2:
- Scilab distribution also provides a dedicated binary which is doing the same as -nwni: scilab-cli (Scilab Command Line Interpreter).
- pipes are enabled for all operating systems (see the examples for further details).
: :–texmacs This option is reserved for TeXMacs. Please install ATOMS module:
: :-version This option prints product version and exits. :
: :SCI_DISABLE_TK Disable Tk (but not Tcl) features. : :SCI_JAVA_ENABLE_HEADLESS Enable Java Headless VM (i.e. without GUI
Starting from Scilab 5.0, the graphical user interface (GUI) and the build documentation are based on Java features. In some cases, it can be important to edit the JVM options (Java Virtual Machine).
These options are available in the jvm_options.xml file.
In version 5.0.X and 5.1.X, this file is stored as SCI/modules/jvm/etc/jvm_options.xml.
In version >= 5.2.0, the file is available in etc/jvm_options.xml.
By default, the three following options are easily accessible in the configuration file:
Many more options are available. They can improve the performances, change look and feel, change memory managements... See: ` jsp-140102.html`_.
# Let's start Scilab in profiling `mode`_ without attaching a gdb once a SIGSEGV is met.
# We are under Bash shell
export SCILAB_VALGRIND_OPT="--db-attach=no --log-file=myfile.txt"
scilab -profiling
# Let's start Scilab in `debug`_ mode without stopping after each SIGSEGV
# First, we `write`_ a small command file
echo "handle SIGSEGV nostop" &> `debug`_.txt
# Now `set`_ the custom option
# We are under Bash shell
export SCILAB_GDB_OPT="--command=debug.txt"
# Start Scilab in `debug`_ mode
scilab -`debug`_
# Under GNU/Linux, Mac OS X `or`_ Unix:
$ echo "disp(%pi)"|scilab-cli
$ echo "disp(%pi)"|scilab -nwni
# Only open the Scilab `help`_ window:
$ scilab-adv-cli -e "help()"
$ scilab -nw -e "help()"
# Scilab can be used for scripting aspects:
echo "if 1<>2 then exit(99) end"|scilab-cli
echo $?
Version Description 5.4.0 -noatomsautoload added. .. _exit: exit.html .. _ .. _sciargs: sciargs.html .. _startup: startup.html