
A C gateway function which displays standard messages to the user (same profil as the C printf function)

Calling Sequence

void sciprint(format,value_1,..,value_n)


:format a char* string. Specifies a character string combining literal
characters with conversion specifications.
: :value_i Specifies the data to be converted according to the format
parameter (%s, %d, ...).



This C gateway function provides the capabilities to display messages to the Scilab user. Basically; it emulates the C language printf function. You must include sciprint.h to benefit from this function. This header is provided in the output_stream module (this directory should be included by default).

Note that if you want to trigger an error, the function Scierror is more appropriate.


In this example, the C gateway function prints several messages illustrating the use of the sciprint function in the Scilab console.

#include <stack-c.h>
#include <sciprint.h>

`int`_ sci_mysciprint(char * fname)
  sciprint("printing an integer: %d\n", 1);
  sciprint("printing a double:   %f\n", 2.1);
  sciprint("printing a string:   %s\n", "test");

  return 0;

See Also

  • printf_conversion mprintf, msprintf, mfprintf conversion specifications
  • mprintf converts, formats, and writes data to the main scilab window
  • Scierror C gateway function which displays an error message to the user (same profil as the printf function) and returns an integer value specifying an error level

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